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Chapter 24: Pancakes Ft. Booty

A/N: DAY 2 COOKIES! I HOPE YOU LOVE THE CHAPTER! Thank you for reading and stay safe💚

🍪Ellie's P.O.V

"I can't believe you still have more surprises planned." I commented, eyeing the vast ocean before me.

I closed my eyes in bliss, feeling the salty fresh wind nip on my skin. The sun shone brightly, enjoying the sounds of the waves licking its way up to the shore.

"You deserve it after all the shit I put you through," Alec answered simply, biting his lip.

I shook my head,"Why the beach though?" I asked, the wind forcefully pushing my hair back.

"It's been a long time since I've been in the beach. I missed it and why not spend the day with the person you missed too?" Alec cheekily said, turning to look at me.

"Killing two birds in one stone," I giggled, earning a grin from him.

I glanced around, noticing that it was starting to get crowded. I looked down at both of our attires before pulling on Alec's hand.

"I hate to say this but we're technically not dressed appropriately for the beach," I pointed out, glancing at the half-naked people.

Alec chuckled,"Technically cookie, we are. You just have to take off your clothes," He joked, his blue eyes lit with humor.

"I guess they wouldn't mind my thong clad ass," I shrugged casually, making a move to take off my clothes.

A hand gripped my arm, stopping me completely. I glanced up, meeting Alec's scowl and glowering expression.

"No way in hell are they seeing you like that," He growled at me, earning an amused smile from me.

I wasn't exactly gonna do it, I just wanted to piss him off for even suggesting that idea.

I stood on my tiptoes and patted his cheek,"I was just playing with you. Let's go, we're going to buy an actual bikini," I winked playfully, moving away from him.


"Why didn't I think this through?" Alec grumbled, a scowl on his face.

I couldn't help but giggle on the inside, walking out of the bikini shop wit Alec acting like a bodyguard. A smug smile was on my face, walking with a little skip on the end.

My hair was tied into a messy bun, wearing the cute bandeau bikini that I fell in love with the moment I laid my eyes on it when we entered the store.

Alec was throwing a tantrum about how it showed my butt cheeks and was annoyed at how the bikini bottom looked good on my ass and that he would totally punch the guy that would dare check me out in it.

His words not mine.

I don't even get why he's throwing a fuss about it, there are other hot women out there that are showing off their booty that were bigger than mine.

Besides, nobody would stare at my ass that's just as big and perky as two pancakes combined.

Alec led me through the throng of people, letting go of my hand and opted to place a hand on my lower back.

The Bad Boy and My CookieTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon