18. Confluence

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So this was where Kayden lived. Kai stood on the footpath and stared at the mansion opposite.

Unlike most houses he'd seen in Londa, this one was set back a few yards, separated from the street by a black wrought iron fence. A stone staircase with carved balustrades connected the front portico to the footpath. Built of dusky rose brick, with elaborate white plaster trim, the house must have been all of three stories high. A turret to the left was topped with a conical roof of grey slate, reminding Kai of picture books he'd had as a child.

Evidently Kayden—or his family—was far more successful than Kai.

A steam carriage drew up behind him as he stood there, summoning up the courage to walk up that staircase. He glanced around automatically to scan the occupant, and saw an elegant young woman, dressed in a purple silk-covered corset and skirt, descend and glance across the road. Evidently Kayden was about to have a visitor.

Kai turned away, only to find his arm being gripped in one small hand.

"Kayden! There you are!" The young woman smiled happily into his face. Before Kai could get a word out, she kissed him, full on the mouth.

Spluttering, Kai pulled back, his face crimson as he tried to disengage. "S-sorry, but I'm not-"

"Sandra! For heaven's sake! Show a little decorum, please!"

The caustic tones were horribly familiar.

Kai's eyes flew to the man who had just followed her out of the carriage, widening in dismay.

"Kai? What the hell is going on?" demanded Ash, his expression thunderous as he approached. "What are you doing?"

Startled by Ash's sudden anger, Sandra gripped Kai's arm even tighter, pressing against him. "Ash, for heaven's sake! Why are you being so rude to Kayden?"

"I'm sorry, but I'm not Kayden," Kai tried to explain, looking down into Sandra's confused face. "My name is Kai."

"I don't understand," said Sandra, looking from one man to the other. She dropped her hand from Kai's arm and stepped back from both men. "Is this some sort of game? It's not very funny!"

At that opportune moment, the door to the mansion opened and Kayden started down the steps. "What the hell is going on here? And- who the fuck is that?"


Until that moment, Ash had been battling a toxic mixture of outrage, anger and sheer possessive jealousy, but the sight of Kayden coming down those stairs made him feel almost like laughing in relief. It seemed Kai had told him the truth about one thing, at least. There were two of them. And now that he'd had a moment to calm down, he could acknowledge that it had been Sandra who kissed Kai, and not the other way around.

He heard Sandra give a little gasp of shock. The blood drained from her face and Kayden hurried to her side, ignoring the other two men for the moment.

"Are you all right, love?" he asked anxiously. "Come inside and sit down, get your breath back. I'll get you a nice cup of tea."

Sandra looked up into his eyes, hesitantly at first, but then she evidently saw something that reassured her. She flung herself into his arms and buried her face in his shoulder.

"And you two had better come in as well," announced Kayden, firmly, his arms full of Sandra. "I want an explanation!" His eyes flicked across to Kai and then away, as if he couldn't quite believe what he was seeing.

"What a good idea," agreed Ash, quickly taking hold of Kai by the upper arm, just in case he was thinking of making a run for it. "I have a few questions I'd like answered, myself," he added, with a grim smile.

The four of them trooped inside and Kayden opened the door to a spacious sitting room. He ushered Sandra over to a comfortable looking couch and sat down beside her.

"Have a seat," he invited Ash and Kai.

Almost immediately a liveried servant appeared in the doorway. "Sir?"

"Tea please, Havers. For four. Havers?"

But Havers wasn't listening. His eyes were swivelling between Kayden and Kai. "Sir?"

"Tea, please," Kayden repeated firmly.

"Yes sir. Of course, sir." Havers backed out of the room.

Kayden waited until the manservant had left before turning to Kai. "And now, just who the hell are you?"

"I-er, my name is Kai, Kai Ewans," stammered Kai. "I-er-"

"He says he's your twin brother," interrupted Ash, impatiently.

"What? I don't have a twin brother. I've never seen him before in my life!"

"Separated at birth," added Ash. "He was brought up by another family."

"I don't believe it!" insisted Kayden.

Ash looked meaningfully from Kayden to Kai, and then back to Kayden. It was obvious to even the most critical observer that they were identical in all but dress and manner.

Kayden looked shaken. "I still find it impossible to believe. I know we look alike, but... 'separated at birth'? It sounds like the worst kind of melodrama!" he burst out.

At that point, Havers appeared with the tea tray and conversation ceased abruptly while he distributed the cups.

The pause gave Kayden time to collect his thoughts.

"Well, it will be an awkward conversation, but I'll see what Mother has to say about all this."

"Your mother is still alive?" asked Kai, startled.

"Yes, and my father, too," Kayden answered, rather stiffly. He took out his pocket watch and checked the time. "In fact, Mother should be home any minute."

Kai gulped audibly, looking to all intents and purposes as if he had swallowed a live fish, thought Ash. His eyes darted longingly toward the door, and Ash thought that if he had half a chance, he'd bolt.

Ash stood up and went across to Kai, seating himself on the arm of his chair. He rested one hand lightly on Kai's shoulder. "I think it's time you told us the truth, Kai," he said quietly. "We've heard enough stories."

Kai looked indecisively from one expectant face to the other. Then he sighed.

"Ah, well, you see... you're going to find this really hard to believe, but..."

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