Trafalgar D Water Law

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"Before that," she faked a cough. "Promise me something,"

"What is it?" Law asked.

"There will be union of worst generation, Basil Hawkins, Straw Hat Luffy, Captain Kid-," she was cut when Law stepped back. "You don't want to know the rest, anyways, promise is a promise, I've told you who's there,"

Law sighed,"What's the trade, Doctor-ya?"

"You'll let me see the Straw Hats there, hehehe," end of her mouth started to curve.

"Idiot, after telling me there will be union of high head bounty pirates, you expect us to let you rooming around," he added seriously, almost projecting his voice. He fixed his sword, the sound was heard satisfyingly.

"Hey! but promise is a promise, I've told you about Sabaody Archipelago!" Ren blurted. Law just stayed silent, ignoring her. "You can't even make a single promise,"

Law backed off in disbelief. Clinched his teeth. He sighed. "Alright," he lowered his head. "But stay close, if you lost your way there, I can't guarantee anything," he went in and left Ren on the deck while biting her lower lips.

"D-did he just threatened me...?" she thought in her head. "Wait right there Waterloo-kun!"


Ren jumped on her new bed and grabbed the blanket. She stared at the blank ceiling, reminiscing what happened today. Overtime work, cosplay guy, Heart Pirate, Manga World, One Piece and Trafalgar D Water Law. "What a day," she sighed and pouted. But she thought again, and then she smiled. "What a nice day," her lips started to curve. It made her happy, to know that in the end of her tiring day, she still can lay down on a comfortable bed. Extraordinarily, surrounded by thousand sea. It was just like going to vacation. "Or not," she thought again. "God, if this is a dream," she closed her eyes. "It was a nice dream," and slowly drifted away in her sleep.


MORNING has come, Ren who was still asleep, heard the footsteps noises. People were running, screaming, the medicine smell,"What is that, a dream?" her heart spoke. "Am I still in the Manga World," she opened her eyes and- "I AM STILL HERE!" she cried.


"Good morning, Captain!" Bepo greeted as Law walked in the dining room, for breakfast. "I'm sorry Captain, the current is getting slow, I predicted that there's an island ahead,"

"Is that so? We will stop by and gather supplies," Law spoke.

"Eh aren't we have enough food supplies already?" Uni said. "It should be fine if we just go straight besides Log-,"

"It won't be enough, we need more," Law replied.

"B-but you said we're going straight to Sabaody?" Ren cut in the conversation.

Law turned his head to face her. "We need more, we have extra on board," he said with annoyed face and turned back to Bepo and Uni.

"What?! Extra? Me?! This bastard...," she cursed under her breathe, low enough as no one could hear her. Ren took his bread on his plate and eat it.

Law was talking with Bepo the Navigator while reaching for his bread but he hand was reaching for nothing. He looked at his plate to find his bread was missing. Law glanced at Ren who was sitting beside him, just finished eating before drinking her drink. He gave her a cold gaze, shrinking his eyes. "Did you just, eat my bread?"

"Yeah why?"

The crew was screaming in danger. "Danger," they screamed.

"I'm sorry," Bepo.

"You don't like bread," Ren added.

"I," Law sighed. "LIKE BREAD!"

"No you didn't," Ren replied in a slumber way.

Law face-palmed himself and walked to the kitchen. "That bitch, wait until I get rid of you," he thought in his head.

"What's wrong with him, he doesn't like bread," Ren mouthed.


The afternoon was quiet, Law was taking a nap by the deck. Ren who just finished helping around the Heart Pirate reach the deck to take fresh breathe.

She walked at the edge of the deck and the sea caught her attention. "Amazing! How deep is the sea," she mumbled. Her curiosity got her lean front.

Suddenly a big fish appeared out of the sea with mouth open, ready to eat her. She was about to scream of help but Law pushed her to the floor and she landed hard. By that, she moaned in pain but short and shocked. "Are you trying to catch a fish with bare hands, Doctor-ya?" Law asked sarcastically.

"N-no!" Ren stood up and brushed her jumpsuit.

"Unless you're trying to catch one to be served as our dinner, then don't," He walked passed by her.

Ren flinched and turned around. "Wait right there!" she insisted. "I wonder if Oda really thought of a bastard pirate with yellow shirt and printed plush,"

"News Coo!" A newspaper fall and land on Ren's head.

"A!" she flinched again. "Hey! Stupid bird! Drop it nicely next time!"

Law turned around and grabbed the newspaper on Ren's head. He turned every page fastly until he saw Straw Hats photos printed on a whole page.

Ren who saw it, stole the newspaper from Law's hand. "Amazing! They look just like in Manga," her eyes was flashing so hard. Law was not having it, and peek for his photo somewhere.

"There it is," he pointed a printed photo of him on the next page, where most of the worst generation members are there too. He kind of lean and bend his knees a bit to be in the same eye-level as Ren's and as soon as he saw his photo, he faced Ren whose face was just few centimeters away from his.

The moment lasted for sometime and their eyes met each other. It was awkward in silence. Only sea's sound was played. Their face near to each other, and fast heartbeats.

ROOM, SHAMBLES! [Volume 1: X One Piece] [Trafalgar D. Water Law]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ