A long promising deal!

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Ren bit her lower lips in nervous. “Are you doing good now? When will I be able to go home?” she asked.

Law replied, “My energy should be stable after my wounds are healed”. He added, “Should be by tomorrow,”

Ren was taken aback with his sudden decision, indeed, it was too sudden.

“Doctor-ya, what’s wrong?” Law’s cold deep voice ran across her ears.

“N-nothing,” she responded then turned around to exit the room but stopped when her hand reach the door’s knob. “Waterloo-kun,” she called.

Law turned his attention towards her.

“Can I stay a bit longer?”

Law was shocked and stood up. “Don’t act stupid! What kind of nonsense are you trying to say!?”

Who was still facing the door and holding its knob said,“I just thought we’re thinking the same think,” with that she opened the door and exited.

Ren went to walk around the submarine where she met the crews, all greeted her. Her hand was softly touching every wall of the aisle until she reached the submarine’s back deck.

“The weather is unfairly nice,” she turned her attention to her palms. “I thought I can at least change something,” she started to clench her hand into a fist. “In that way, I can at least save someone,” she rested her hands. “There’s a lot that I want to save,” she sighed.

The next day has come, and Law has been ready to send Ren back where she belongs.

Ren who was staring at the unusual sky of Manga World, starting to think that the experience she had here wasn't bad at all. But she was determined that all of this was just a bad dream, that's what she thought at first but it was actually a wonderful dream of her own. Who would have thought that she will in counter such a long dream where she's surrounded by people who protected her, and like her as she is.

The ship docked by an island shore, she knew she shouldn't waste anymore time.

“I have made a big room around the island, Penguin will company you,” Law interrupted her daydream.

“Just Penguin?” she asked. “Aren’t you, Captain, coming too?”

“Stop it, don't call me your captain, you're not a pirate,” he replied. “We will departed once I have shambles you, I can't land on the island, the crews will find it hard to search for me if it took half of my energy in my state right now,” he explained. “I will go and call him,”

“I guess this is it,” Ren’s word stopped Law from further leaving her. “Can we at least say goodbye?”

Law smiled a little bit while his face didn't face hers. “Goodbye, Doctor-ya,” and he walked away.

Ren was hurt. Hurt that Law didn't feel the same as her. She thought that they could finally reconcile and remember each other. She thought that she's his nakama.

Ren walked down the submarine and landed on the island. Penguin was nowhere to be found, maybe Law is still calling him. She walked towards the island, ready to go home.

As she walked deeper into the woods, she found herself lost. “I was thinking too much,” she sighed and sat down. “I’m still in his room,” she thought. “I want to stay a bit longer, like this,” she added.

Suddenly a sound from a distant distracted her. She turned to where she heard it. “An animal?” she thought. But then she felt suffocated, her necklace was being pulled from the back and there she landed on a person's grab. “Who’s that?!” she shouted as the person's left arm surround her shoulder from in front.

“There you are,” he smiled and let her go.

Ren fall to the ground and turn to face him. The sun started to be blocked by a couple of figures.

EUSTASS “CAPTAIN” KID smirked and sat on the rock, infront of her is Ren, sat on the ground.

“W-what are you doing here?!” she asked.

Kid grabbed her hair and then pushed it away harshly. “You think I don't know where you were, you idiot!” he replied and then laughed. “Trafalgar Law, that damn bastard, how could he hide such an adorable little girl like you,” he smirked.

Ren eyes widen. She was not so sure with Eustass “Captain” Kid, but she knew he’s not a nice guy nor someone who would say something like that. Afterall, this is her bad dreams.

“After I saw you at Sabaody Archipelago, I always thought, oh there she is,” he added.

“Whatever! I don't like a bad guy like you!” Ren shouted. “Heart Pirate wil save me—,”

Just then Kid slammed her on the ground. Ren was almost unconscious and her body lost its control. Kid clinched his teeth. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “Who’s going to save you?!”

Ren suddenly remembered about how she ended up when Law saved her from a Pacifista attack.

“Who’s going to be the next one to protect you?!” Kid continued.

Ren recalled how islanders hate pirates and try to hurt the Heart Pirate because of her.

“As I thought,” Kid stood up, releasing his grab away from her and sat back down. “No one will save you, right?”

Ren’s tears started to come out of her eyes. He was damned right. Ren had been a weakling trying to linger around searching for someone to protect her, and save her. She knew she should have go home, and pushed Law’s capability to send her back home. She was wrong.

“She is just another weakling,” Kid stood up and left.

As they left, Ren was left on the ground, tears came out of her eyes. “How much longer do I need to be like this,” she asked herself. “Why am I still holding on here,” she asked herself. “I want to be gone,” she blinked and heavy tears ran across her cheeks.

“Woi Doctor! Doctor-ya! Stay with me!” A voice screamed.

“Captain, its all my fault, I was late,”

“Move there, let’s bring her to the ship!” he screamed again. “Hold on there, Doctor-ya!”

ROOM, SHAMBLES! [Volume 1: X One Piece] [Trafalgar D. Water Law]Where stories live. Discover now