Chapter 04

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Back in the Summer

Middle of July

Somewhere in Uganda...

The scorching sun is burning whatever exposed skin of my body. Sweats are running down my skin. Even wearing a sleeveless tee and shorts isn't helping.

Then there are those piercing eyes of the pedestrians, who're probably wondering why's this crazy girl pacing in a circle making herself sweat more. And those naked kids dancing not too far away.


I guess it's kind of odd to see a fair skin girl alone in this part of the town. And I admit they're kinda right. Take one step ahead from here and I'll be lost.

My phone is low on battery because of the heat and I'm also moments away from heatstroke. I thought Africa wasn't supposed to be this hot because of all the green environment. But it turns out summer is summer after all.

I'm waiting for Miles to return whom I went to fetch Dylan's-his brother and my sister's best friend (who two practically grew up together which made it weirder that I never noticed he had a brother of my age)-'s Canon for me.

If only I hadn't left my Nikon back at home. But who knew I would ever need it again?

Before planning to major in journalism, I wanted to be a professional photographer. But then the shits happened and I realized that to survive in life, I need to focus on something serious, something that can bring a good paycheck at the end of the month.

I can follow my previous dream in another life, where the earth is less crucial than the current one.

However, Miles's case isn't the same. He doesn't worry about his future. He just wants to take off after high school. Maybe to become a traveler. Or a painter. Or a teacher. I don't care as long as I'm being me and happy-he quotes.

Sometimes I'm very jealous of his laidback yet independent life. And Jason's too. He's in the debate club and national math olympiad champion for five years. He was his middle school's newspaper committee leader too, the reason he's so good at his job. He even talks so smoothly that sometimes I wish I could see his head cracking into two.

But he's my friend too and no matter how jealous I am of his talents, I'm happy for him.

It's been almost two hours yet no sign of Miles. I probably shouldn't have given Miles the job.

And I should never have trusted dad's words and agreed to come here. The last time he took us on a trip, we got stuck between tons of Chinese who can't even say hello in English.

But he promised it wasn't a work purpose this time. And also Miles's family was coming too.

Along with twenty other doctors and donors' families for the opening of the new hospital here.

Dad swore he didn't know he had to work here. Then again, knowing his busy life, I don't blame him for not knowing the full details.

And it also happened to be that the only people I know on this trip outside my family is Miles's family.

Now we're stuck between a bunch of strangers. Although Miles and I have befriended some over the last few days.

Grace went to Pennsylvania to spend the summer with her grandparents. Right now, I wish she had come with us. At least she's not a dumbass like Miles. Plus the three of us would've had lots of fun together.

I continue pacing without looking up until I bump into someone and fall back.

Seriously people should start watching where they're going.

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