Chapter thirty-four - My balls

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Alexander POV

After two long years. I can't believed she's her. I can't  contained my happiness right now. I am in cloud nine.

I glanced at her while she's talking to the receptionist. She's the girl of my dream and she's not a dream anymore, she's here for real.

I grab her luggage and help her get inside the elevator. She keep telling me to get off and stopped following her. But no! I refused. I waited two years, right now I won't let her disappear. I will follow her wherever even in hell.

I requested her to talked to me. Thank God she listened. When I am inside her room I look at her. She grip her hair like she's frustrated and shake it. I stared at her awe by her moves. She noticed me staring at her then she glared at me and Say's "what?"


I looked at her and started to talk. I really want her to give a chance. A chance to be together.  I want to spend my life with her.

I looked at her pleading more like begging. Sometimes I got distracted, the fact that she look sexy in her outfit plus it's been two years since  I been hibernating.

 Sometimes I got distracted, the fact that she look sexy in her outfit plus it's been two years since  I been hibernating

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"Alex No! I already move on. I just need to sort out things here I will go back after one week. There's no point of being together" She said to me.

"You move on but I don't. I know deep inside you I am still there. Please.." I look at her more like I want to cry. I feel frustrated and hurt when she Say's she moving on.

"Alex go back! You have your life back now. "She shouted at me.

"I don't have a life. Ever since the accident two years ago my life never been normal. I was like zombie. I work and work but I don't feel happy, I don't feel contented , I don't feel anything at all. I am like dead. Look at me... Look at me.. Is this a face of person who have life? Can you mirror happiness in my eyes? No!!" I shouted back while pointing at myself and my eyes. While she look at me and tears started to fall from her eyes.

"I don't know what happened to you. But Alex move on. This is your real life! Go back to the way you are. You like to party, bar and hooking up girls that what's you." She said trying to hold her breath.

"I don't know. A lot of my friends said that I changed. I don't do thing like that anymore. I would rather watch movie in the guestroom or sleeping the whole day because during my sleep I can be with you"I told her with a longing eyes.

"Your just confused Alex. One day you realize your wasting your time doing this. Listened, don't stress out yourself and have fun" She told. I can't believe the women I love said that I should have fun.

"OK! If that's what you want. I will be having fun." I told her while looking at her with tiny grin in my lips.

She take a long breath then let it go. Then run her hand in her hair. And look away from me.

"that's a relief then that you understand. You can now go out. I still have things need to do here. You know the way to the door." She said while grabbing her luggage and take out some stuff there.

But I grab her wrist and pull her closer to me. Her eyes bewildered while looking at me. I look at her with a smirk splash in my face.

"What are you doing?" She said glaring at me. And wiggle her body to let go of my hold.

"You said to have fun right? I would rather have fun together than with those bimbos. Why choose fake when I can have the real diamond here" I told her seductively.

If looks can kill right now I am already buried six feet below the ground. She look like shes ready to murder me.

"You...!!! You still idiot, pervert, horny, jerk I ever known. Let go of me now or I will kick your balls this instant" She said angrily while gritted her teeth.

"Babe I am just trying to do your suggestion?" I said while trying to touch her beautiful face.

"This is not I supposed to mean idiot" she the kicked my balls. I quickly scooted because of the pain. Geezz this women is so violent.

I look at her with a pain visible in my face.

"Do it again and I will kick it harder so you can no longer stand or walked. I swear!!" She like snake with venom.

She looks so sexy when shes mad. Geez what wrong with me. This girl just kicked  my balls but I still find her beautiful. I am crazy in love with this women in front of me.

I raised my hands  to surrender although my balls are still hurting pretty badly.

"OK have mercy on me. Don't murder my balls. We can't able to produce babies in the future babe." I said to her playfully.

"So you still think I am joking? You still have the guts make fun of me?" She take a step forward to me.

"Ah ah ah.. no babe! I am just stating a fact OK? If this will damage you know" while pointing on my balls.

"Alex....!!!!!!" she shouted.

"Sorry sorry babe! I will not do if again. But I can't promise, you look so yummy and delicious looking like that" I told her raising my hand while bowing my head.

"Get out this instant Alex!" She shouted pointed at the door.

"How can I get out when my balls are hurting like hell women! Did you just forget that you kick this like your kicking a real ball" I scowl at her.

"Stop talking about your balls. And its not my fault. Blame your pervert personality not me" she gritted her teeth.

I was about to answer her but my vision gets blurred and my head is paining like it was about to explode. I hold it and my consciousness started to fade off.

But before my conscious state fade. A tiny voice shouted my name "Alex" then I can feel her fanning in my neck. And I slowly  fainted.

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