Chapter thirty-seven - Decision

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Mandy POV

I woke up with a heavy feeling. What? Then I hear a small giggles around me. I open my eyes quickly. Alex family are all here with my two coworkers/ friend.

They look at me happily. Why? I'm confused..

Suddenly I found an arm encircling in my body. Shit! I glance at my side only to find Alex whose peacefully sleeping beside me.

Great! I remember I do laid beside him last night and sleep all around till morning.

I got up while Marialle and Lucy still laughing at me. While Alex parent's has an amuse expression on their face. While Mark busily noting in his pad.

I excuse myself and went to the restroom and brush my teeth. I can't face them with my mouth smell bad.

I went outside and I beat my best friend whose still looking at me amuse.

"Stop it" I said to her.

"What did you both do together huh? Wow sleeping cuddling in hospital bed. Didn't you realize that nurses and doctor came to check up literally saw your lovey dovey position." She said playfully.

I facepalm myself for embarrassment.

"Sissy Marialle don't tease my sister in law like that. Right sis? Am I able to see my future nieces and nephews sis?" She said smiling widely.

"Hey hey! Stop it OK? Did you two do it dear?" Priscilla whispered to me.

I am totally blushing right now.

"Hey what's the commotion? Babe what happen to you? why is your face so red? Come here babe" Alex gesture me to come to him but I glared at him. He slowly get up and take a sit on his bed.

"Good morning Priscilla Antonio and Lucy of course both of you two Mark and Marialle". I said sweetly.

Lucy sit beside Alex and Priscilla and Antonio set in the couch together.

"Here are his laboratory Doctor Anderson." Mark said while handling a bunch of papers in my hand. I glared at him.

"Not you too please" I hissed.

"But its true though. You guys basically sleeping hugging each other body. What do you think of our reaction? Of course we think your doing hmmm!" Marialle said playfully.

"Shut up"This girl will never stop embarrassing me.

"Oh! I love it when you are called Doctors Anderson babe! And sorry to disappoint you guys but we never did the deed" Alex said while chuckling.

"Not you too" I glared at him while reading his laboratory results.

"Is the results OK daughter in law?" Antonio said joining these idiots.

"I think he can be discharge today. He can continue his medication at home" I said to them.

"So your staying with him?" Lucy, Priscilla and Antonio unison.

Alex look at me with hopes in his eyes.

I look at them blinking my eyes few times. I don't really know the answer though.

Alex is about to get up but I immediately walk towards him and stopping him.

"Can you stay again there? I may not remember anything about it. But I will only take medication if you stay with me." He said grabbing my arms and shake it.

"Fine"I give up how can't I when all of these people around me obviously want me to do it.

"Yes! At last my stubborn and violent patient is in perfect hand again. Thank you Mandy you save me." Mark exclaimed.

"Am I that bad patient babe?" Alex asked.

"Yes you are! "I hisses at him.

"Obviously brother its been 15 times you run away from the hospital. Mom and Dad was about to lost hope. Thank you Sissy your a savior." Lucy hug me gently while jumping in my arms.

"Your really are worst. How could you do that?" I turn to Alex glaring after hugging Lucy.

"Babe I want to go to wash room. Can you help me?" I grab his I.v then he guide him slowly inside the wash room.

"Just tell me when you are finish. "I quickly grab the door so I can get out.

Marialle and Mark excuse themselves and Lucy said she will have many assignments to do. She asked me to come visit her in the house or office. I answered her yes.

"Babe" Alex called.

I went inside again to help him.

"Babe I want to take shower. Can you help me take off my shirt? "He said to me.

"Yeah yeah! Come" I help him take off his shirt. I know I seen a lot of half naked men since I'm a doctor but my idiot self can't stop blushing. Shit!

"Babe are you blushing" Alex whispered in my ears since we are close together.

"Shut up" I quickly walk outside or shall I say run outside.

Priscilla notice me blushing and stared me in a knowing look. And I shake my head in respond.

His parents bid goodbye since they still have things to do in their office. That leave me alone with Alex again.

Alex walked out from the bathroom. Wearing only a piece of towel on his hips and waters still dripping in his hair and body. I try to distract myself by telling him that his parents went ahead for their work.

"Babe can you help me change clothes?" I look at him bewildered.

"Do it yourself Alex!" I blushed just thinking about earlier.

"Come on! Its hard you know! I can't lift my right arm properly cause of the dextrose. Please?" He said.

"Fine, give me your shirt!" I started to help him. Thank go he did not tease me.

"Babe?" He suddenly said while my back facing he's currently changing his lower portion.

"Alex, I need to go to my hotel room today. I need to wash and change my clothes. And also, I will going to process my documents so I will back in the afternoon." I told him still my back facing him.

"What? Are you joking? You can't go. I will ask James to send women clothes here. No need to back to your hotel. And your paper's their no need for that, you don't have to work I can give you anything you need and want." He said proudly.

"Alex no, I will go back work and I will go change in my hotel room." I said firmly

"Just try go outside and I will guarantee you I will remove this immediately" He said threatening me while pointing his dextrose.

"But Alex..."" He cut me off..

"Just try" He said while his eyes glaring.

"Fine.. But after you discharged here I will process everything why I came here" I said finally.

"Yes you can, But I will come with you."

"Alex..." Saying out of patience now.

"That's final. Either you will not process it or I will come with you. You choose?" He said asking.

"Argh! ... Argh !!.. I swear your so annoying!! I hate you... " I said to him feeling frustrated.

"I love you more. I will call James now. " He grab his phone and call James to deliver clothes for me.

Stomping my feet I flop in the couch feeling aggravated and frustrated. Huffing while glaring at the man that cause me this.

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