part eight

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hannah's pov

i heard the group of teens bantering away outside of the bedroom. i sat in silence for a few minutes to collect my thoughts and process everything that i had just been told.

i realized i didn't know what time it was, only knowing that i went out surfing early because i wanted to get in a few waves before the storm hit. so much for that.

i didn't have my phone with me since since i had just gone to the beach but a small alarm on jj's night stand read 10:07pm.

i decided it was best to go out there now, after all i didn't want them to think i was a creepy for staying in the bedroom.

the second the door creaked open the conversation that had been taking place stopped completely. the three teens looked up at me as i appeared in the doorway.

kiara turned her head to jj, giving him a look that just screamed 'do something.' jj ignored her stare, and me for that matter, taking a long drag from his blunt before staring out the window.

"wanna beer?" pope asked, breaking the silence.

jj whipped his head around to give a 'what the fuck' look to pope, who ignored him.

"yeah sure," i said, catching the can once he threw it to me.

i sat down on a seat at the counter, keeping my distance from the three who were sprawled out on the couches. i guess they took this as a, 'you can just forget i'm even here' and they continued on with their conversation.

"we're going fishing tomorrow is what i was saying," jj spoke.

"no, absolutely not," kiara objected.

"ki we're just fishing it's not like we're going to stumble upon another grady white," pope chuckled.

"pope shut up," jj said through gritted teeth.

"wha- oh," pope realized what jj was talking about once his eyes met mine.

"you guys found a grady white?" i asked curiously.


kiara and jj scowled at each other before turning to me.

"another sensitive topic of yours jj?" i teased, sourly.

"go to hell," he muttered, standing up abruptly. alright i guess it was another sensitive topic... noted.

he walked away into the room i had been just a few moments ago, confirming my suspicions that it belonged to him.

i looked to kiara and pope who just had frowns on their faces.

"im sorry i didn't realize-" i began.

"kooks really don't know how to keep their mouths shut, do they," kiara grumbled before following jj into his room.

pope just looked at me apologetically with a shrug, i could tell he was the nice one of the bunch.

after a few seconds jj came back, storming out of his room and immediately locked eyes with me. he brushed past pope and came to stand right in front of me.

"kiara says i need make an effort to get to know you," jj said through gritted teeth. "not my choice but what ki says goes in this household so talk."

kiara huffed from behind him, rolling her eyes.

"talk?" i questioned, furrowing my brows.

"yes about yourself," jj scoffed.

"well what do you want to know?"i asked. jj only looked back at kiara after hearing my question.

"do you seriously not know how to like hold a conversation jj?" kiara said, arms crossed in front of her chest.

"not with kooks i don't," he shot back.

before the two could bicker more i spoke up, "i moved here from nassau."

all of their heads turned towards me at that.

"like the bahamas?!" pope exclaimed.

"uh yeah like the bahamas," i mumbled, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"so princess grew up in the bahamas how wonderful," jj rolled his eyes.

"that's actually kind of sick," i heard kiara say under her breath.

"so that's how you learned how to shred like that?" pope asked.

confused for a moment, i then realized he was talking about me surfing and how he had seen me earlier out on the waves.. when they saved me. surprised they thought i was actually good considering i wiped out so badly.

"you think i'm good?" i asked.

"yeah, jj said it himself," pope smirked. jj sent him a deathly glance before redirecting his attention towards me.

"so if you were living the life in nassau... then why'd you move here," jj asked coldly. he put both of his hands on either sides of the counter next to my chair and leaned in towards my face.

"um i don't really want to talk about it," i murmured.

"what, did daddy lose some money and had to downgrade to the outer banks?" he taunted.

i locked my jaw and met his eyes with a cold stare. he only mimicked my actions bringing his face closer so that we were only inches apart.

"maybe moving to figure eight was some kind of charity for you? a punishment perhaps?"

jj was suddenly yanked back by pope, "alright that's enough."

jj pulled his arm from pope's grip before giving me one more icy glance.

"im going to bed," he stated before stomping off to his room and aggressively slamming his door.

"well that went well ki, great idea," pope muttered. she just narrowed her eyes at him before facing back towards me.

"you can take that room straight back," she pointed to a door down the hallway, "we'll take the couches."

"oh i don't mind the couches, i'd feel bad taking a bed," i said.

"we wouldn't sleep in there anyways," pope quickly sputtered glancing at kiara, "uh... bad memories."

i looked at the two with furrowed brows but they didn't seem like they were going to budge.

"uh okay thank you," i said before hopping out of my chair. "and thank you again for... for saving me."

pope gave me a nod, "goodnight."



authors notes:
*season 1 spoilers warning*
i just want to make it clear that jj, pope and kiara never found out about where john b and sarah were heading to after they had been saved by that boat so they can't make that connection! just thought i'd make that clear.

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