part twenty seven

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jj's pov

"yeah but like come on clifford is scary as hell," i pressed, arguing with pope.

"where is the logic man? its godzilla we're talking about," pope responded. "like come on have you ever seen a picture of godzilla." pope reached his phone out to show me a picture but i slapped his hand away.

"yes i have seen a picture of godzilla," i retorted. "listen all i'm saying is-"

"no no no, you need to listen to me," pope's voice overlapped with mine.

"would you guys please shut up," kiara snapped and pope and i both clamped our mouths shut, putting our heads down.

"we've already got nervous nelly in the back here we don't need you two fighting over who would win a fight between fucking clifford the big red dog and godzilla," ki grumbled.

the nervous nelly she was referring to was hannah who was practically shaking next to me as i grabbed her hand and held it tight in my lap. the two of us were sitting in the back of the van while pope sat in the front with kiara who was driving.

"i-i'm fine," hannah stammered, trying to convince us that she wasn't as worried as kiara described her to be.

we soon pulled into a spot that was close to the sheriff's station but hid the car from anyone who could pass by. kiara put the vehicle in park before turning around and placing a hand on hannah's knee.

"honey," she began, "no you're not."


"but it's your first pogue style mission," kiara laughed softly, "you have the right to be anxious about it."

hannah took a deep breath in, nodding towards ki before squeezing my hand tighter and resting her head on my shoulder.

"okay so quick rundown, everyone ready?" pope asked the group.

"ready," we all responded.

"i will stay as lookout, flashing the head lights of the car once signaling for you to come out, or twice if your in trouble in which hannah would need to distract the cops. " pope started. i watched the girl beside me gulp at his words and i just squeezed her hand tighter. "if that happens-"

"which it won't," i interrupted.

"if that happens," he repeated himself, "then jj you have to hide in the office until it is safe for you to escape while hannah puts up as good a distraction as she can."

"and if i can't?" hannah's voice croaked out, barely audible.

"well if you can't then you'll get arr-"

"pope," i warned, clamping a hand over his mouth to shut him up.

"anyways, you and hannah will be able to see the signals through the window of the office you're going into, make sure you go in the right one. there should only be one night guard in there right now which kiara will go distract while you sneak in the back. once you get in find whatever shit you can but don't take too long and for the love of god please be as quiet as you can," pope said, exasperated.

"quiet as a mouse," i smirked.

"don't be a fool," pope warned, smacking my temple.

"okay okay. ready?" i asked, looking over to hannah.

"mhm" she squeaked out, probably afraid that her voice would have failed her if she tried to speak.

i nodded my head towards my two friends in the front who both gave me a salute and i pulled hannah's hand as we climbed out of the van.

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