part vi

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High school feels like it happened a hundred years ago, and so does that freshman year biology class. The memories of a simpler time lie behind a fog that grows thicker with time in Zoe's mind, but somehow, those memories don't matter all that much right now. Not when she's got the opportunity to make newer and better ones.

Navigating her relationship with Niall hasn't exactly been a smooth ride, but there's a mutual understanding of what the other means to each of them, and on particularly challenging days, all they need to do is remember that. They both have their flaws, of course—sometimes Zoe finds herself holding back a bit too much, and that will in turn cause Niall to tread around her more cautiously until they both catch onto what's happening and they fall into an easy rhythm again.

It's been a learning process, too. Zoe has to constantly remind herself to not get too lost in her head, not to fall into that chasm of overthinking that always has her pushing everything around her away away away. She's noticed that Niall's slowly understanding that it's okay to let go of her because she'll always come back to him, but this only came after a lengthy conversation they'd had on Niall's couch at four am when Zoe'd gone out with Jaya and hadn't told Niall about it.

During the past few months, though, they've lived up to the decision they'd made that night in front of Zoe's car, that they'd take this slow, and Zoe has to say that it's a decision that's had its pros and cons. For starters, she hasn't kissed him since that night at his place—well, that might not be entirely true; Niall's pressed a few fleeting kisses to her lips a handful of times when they knew real life would keep them away from each other for a while. But, on the other hand, it's made other tiny gestures a bit more meaningful, like intertwined fingers when they're walking down the street or preparing a meal together or getting the other person's toothbrush ready when it's time to go to bed. It's been beyond anything Zoe's ever dreamed of, and even if she wanted to, she really can't complain.

They're meant to go to Jade's wedding today, and Zoe wakes up early just for the occasion. But, the past few nights have been a bit rough, and Zoe feels them catching up to her that morning with the dull throb in her temples. The headache hasn't subsided despite her hearty breakfast, so she decides to take an aspirin and relax on the couch for an hour or so. After all, it's still quite early, and she has many hours ahead of her before she can start to get dressed.

Time just flies by, though, as it always seems to do when Zoe's not paying attention, and before she knows it there's a familiar hand on her shoulder and someone murmuring her name and that "Zo, babe, you need to wake up now."

Zoe didn't even realize when she fell asleep, but when she opens her eyes, Niall's there, smiling at her with his kind, sparkling eyes and she distantly wonders how she ever got so lucky. "Damnit," she mutters, tossing off the throw blanket and nearly knocking Niall over as she shot up. "Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep!" Before she knows it, Niall's helping her fold the blanket before he gently pushes her in the direction of her bathroom. "How late am I?"

Niall hums, glancing at his nice, expensive-looking watch. "Well," he shrugs, "we're supposed to be leaving in twenty minutes."

"Shit." She catches the towel Niall tosses at her and scurries into her bathroom, mumbling another apology over her shoulder only for Niall to respond with a laugh. She can't get over how much she loves the sound and how it echoes all over her apartment.

After a quick shower before she brushes the sleep away from her mouth, she slips into her dress for the wedding that she'd left hanging behind the door for the steam to soften the few wrinkles. She manages to get the zipper up about halfway before she gives up on struggling with it, instead reaching for her blow dryer to take care of her dripping hair.

plaid shirt days & nights (when you made me your own) // niall horan auWhere stories live. Discover now