Chapter 1: New Home

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Hello readers, this story was so much fun to write however I am an amateur writer. This is a warning!!! Their are plot holes and messed up timelines. I put this here so you know that I know about these flaws. It gets a bit frustrating when I get so many comments on incorrect timelines. So I'm sorry if the ages don't match up in the end but I have moved on from this story and I'm working on different books and ideas rn. I will not be editing or rewriting this book as I no longer write werewolf stories. Thank you for your compassion and understanding. Enjoy
Emma POV

Today Dads having us move to a new pack. Since mama died he's been sad and he said that a new home would be better. He had us pack up all our clothes and pictures we left all our furniture he said we won't need it because our new house will have some. After he put all the suitcases in the car I hugged my best friend Kira and said goodbye. Kira and I have been friends since kindergarten and now I have to go to a new school without her.  My dad says that I'm a big girl now and have to learn to make new friends. I'm eight years old and am going into sixth grade this year. Kira and I have always been together due to the fact that we skipped a few years in school because of how smart we are.

I can't wait to see our new home even if it means leaving everyone else behind. Daddy is also excited I can tell by how his hands are shaky as he drives. I watch as the trees around us flow by as I sit in my car seat. I'm small for my age. The doctor says I'm okay that I'm just small and that I'm healthy and have developed well. The other kids at our old pack called me a runt. When I asked dad what a runt was he told me it doesn't matter and that I'm pretty just like my momma.

He's right I do look like the pictures of my momma.We both have blonde hair and milk skin with big blue eyes. We even have the same name Emmaline. My Father doesn't look like me he has tan skin with dark brown eyes and brown hair which now holds streaks of grey.

My stomach gurgles and I grab the bag of goldfish out of my sparkly pink backpack along with my IPad. I turn one my favorite movies Mirror Mirror. I watch the movie and say some of the lines I know by heart until my eyes get droopy and I fall asleep.

POV Ryan

"Dad whats up?" I ask my father he told me to meet him in his office he had some news or something. My fathers office is large with bookshelves all around the room a couch on one side and a large wooden desk near the back towards a large window. I walk to sit in one of the chairs in front of his desk. Looking up at my dad.

"Hello Ryan. Our new beta is arriving soon so please change into some jeans and a button up shirt. He has a daughter she's seven or eight I believe. Please be nice to her." My father lectures as he tells me about what to do and what to expect. He smiles when he's done and allows me to leave and follow his instructions.

My father Alpha William is the Alpha of  The White Crest Pack. Our last Beta Rob passed away during a rouge attack last year. He was in his late sixties and never had any children. He was like a grandpa to me. My dad has to find a new second in command and found that his old friend who was a beta at Red Moon pack. He had lost his wife and wanted to move to another pack with his daughter. My father offered him the position and he accepted it gratefully.

I was glad that my dad is finally getting a new beta he's been crazy busy since Robs death and now he will have more time for mom and I.

I run upstairs to my room and grab a pair of dark blue jeans and a blue button up shirt like my father requested. I go to the restroom and comb my dark brown hair back. I look like my father I have dark hair and tan skin from the sun but I have my mother's hazel grey blue eyes. 

"Ryan they are here come down the stairs with me" my mother called as she walked into my room smiling at me.

"You look very nice." My mother  complements smiling at me. I take  her hand gladly as we walked down the main stairs to the front yard. Once we reach the front door I smell the most wonderful scent. It smells like lemonade and strawberries swirled into a sweet intoxicating scent. I release my mothers hand and follow the smell until my feet land in front of a car's side door.

I open the door ignoring everyone and everything around me as my eyes land on a sleeping angel. She has light blonde hair and pale skin her head is leaning to the side and as she sleeps. She must be uncomfortable she needs to get inside.

I climb into the car and unbuckle her seatbelt lifting her out of the car seat she's small very small. I'm large for being thirteen but she must me five years old she's so small. As I hold her, her scent flows around us.

I walk us into the house and into the living room. Where I sit down on the couch with her still in my arms. The girls snuggles into my side her head finding the crook nod my neck. I feel so happy with her in my arms and can't help but smile with pride. I grab our couch blanket and carefully lay it over us trying not to wake her up or hurt her in any way. Once we're covered I grab the remote next to me and turn the tv on making sure the volumes on low. Playing Bobs Burgers I sit and watch my show while blondie lays on me.

William POV

I Welcome James as he arrives. My Wife comes down the stairs to join us as we speak. I then see my son Ryan walk to the car. He seems as if he's in a trance. I turn to James and pat him on the shoulder having him stop in the middle of his sentence to watch what my son is doing.

We stand their quietly watching as my boy opens his car and climbs in only to come out with a blonde little girl in his arms. He ignores our stares and walks into the house with the girl in his arms with out a word.

"What in the world." I say

"That's my daughter Emma."James says.

We follow my son into the house to see him in the living room we stand at the entrance he ignores us as he sits down and lays the girl on him she curls up into his side. Ryan continues getting comfortable putting a blanket over themselves and grabbing the remote turning the television on making sure the volumes low.

"She's his mate" my wife Audrey says with a gasp.

Realization hits she's absolutely right Emma is Ryan's mate.

"But how he's only thirteen that can't be right. James how old is your daughter?" I ask James still staring at my son who's now checking on his young mate making sure no hairs are in her face.

"E-eight she's just eight."James stuttered out.

Hey you guys!!! New werewolf book YAY!!!!

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