Chapter 23: Hearing

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Emma POV

Everything hurts. My head feels heavy and my pulse pounds through it as a reverberating echo. My legs burn my stomachs is knots and my body is covered in red splotches. Im hot one moment and then freezing cold. Ive already passed out twice but only for a few minutes. All I want is Ryan to be here next to me kissing me. Thats the heat talking or maybe it isn't.

Luna Audrey has been next to me taking care of me. My throat is hoarse from all the screaming as I lie in bed. There's no point in crying or screaming anymore its not going to get any better. So I've begun to just lay staring at the ceiling waiting for darkness to encompass me. When I hear the bedroom doors open. I smell it. I smell him my mate. I sit up ignoring the pounding and the pain it brought. Their at the entrance of the room is Andy. What a disappointment. Where's Ryan? In his hands is Ryan's T-Shirt.

"Don't come near!" I yell out. I've heard of what the scent a heated wolf has on an unmated male.

"I'm not attracted to you honey. Rooting for the other team!" He calls out tossing me the shirt and giving me a wink.

I cant help but cradle the shirt in my arms holding it to my chest hugging onto it as if its my own lifeline.

The air leaves my lungs as I feel a major stabbing pain enter my abdomen.

I remember when I was in the school bathrooms and all the girls were talking about their periods. I was too young to understand so when they told me I'd have blood gushing out of me for a solid week I went home crying to my father. He told me that since I'm a wolf I didn't have to worry. I would much rather have a period now rather than this damn heat.

Looking at the ceiling I feel the darkness consume me once again and everything becomes black.

Ryan POV

She's in pain and need. I want to run and comfort her but I know she's not ready. Thats when I feel our bond close. I cant reach or feel her its as if a light just switched off. A door closed. It's not painful so she's not injured or in danger its almost as if she's fallen asleep.

"Mom Is Emma alright?!" I ask

"Yes son. She's going through faint spells its common don't fret." My mom replies.

"We're under attack! Alpha an army of rouges have broken through our Eastern borders!" I hear Arthur yell through the link.

Several of the pack men voices came through giving off directions and helping me understand the situation. I called my mother also to have her protect Emma. She's in too much pain to even worry about what's happening.

When I reached the clearing close to the border it was covered in blood and dead bodies of rouge wolves.

The smell was degusting the smell of rotten flesh mixed with intense body odor. Half of my men were in wolf form and the other human. All looking and waiting for direction. I had missed the fight. The rouged wolves must have been weak although their were at least fifty dead bodies in the field it had only taken minutes for them to finish their attack.

Jason our newly named Commander of the pack warriors came forward out of the mass of men.

"Alpha." He acknowledges me bowing his head in submission. " We estimated around seventy. They left this." He say's holding out a bottle of what looks like a mixture of blood and some other junk. It reeks of herbs and had a wooden carved star tied around the neck of the bottle towards the cork cap.

"Looks like witch craft" I state.

"I what triple the amount of patrol around the borders. All men older than sixteen need to be trained harder we have a battle amongst us. Please remove the bodies. " I say sternly.

"Yes Alpha." Jason replied.


Emma POV

I'm no longer in our room. It's colder where I am. Looking around I see the Luna Audrey on the ground across the room blood spilling from a gnarly gash that runs across her forehead. She's unconscious. I can smell anything. Declan isn't their.

I'm on concrete floor. Blood stains cover the floor and walls. Its a small room no windows but their is a door. Its large and what appears to be made out of steel.

I'm no longer in heat which doesn't make sense unless I've been asleep for more than a day.

Lifting my head off the floor I attempt to stand up only to fall back down and hit my head on the floor. Everything goes black all I can feel is ringing in my ears.

Light. I can see it as it falls on my eyelids overhead. Opening my eyes I see the concrete ceiling I saw before but this time I notice a dangling metal light in the corner of the room. I hear shuffling near by. I instantly close my eyes and steady out my breathing.

"Emma. I know you're awake. I can hear your heart." Arthur say's.

I open my eyes to see the familiar face. Arthur. His blonde hair is neatly in place as always but his blue eyes are cold unlike before.

"What's happening?"

Sorry for not updating soon enough. I recently lost my phone and sadly my laptop broke. I just bought a new one for college. I hope you enjoy the chapter!

What do you want to happen? Did you see Arthur ever being the bad guy?🤔

Please vote and comment😊😋🥰

XOXO-Lillian Dero

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