Chapter 3: Ice Cream

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Ryan POV

I could sense that Emma did not like Elise at all and honestly I couldn't blame her that girl was annoying. She's been flirting with me since sixth grade I don't even want to deal with her. I have my mate and I want her to feel secure and loved all the time.

I was happy she didn't want me around her it made me fell wanted and who doesn't want to be wanted by their mate.

"How old are you even?" Elise sneered at Emma.

"Eight." Emma shrugged as if her skipping three grades wasn't a big deal. Elise's eyes grew wide most likely shocked at the age of Emma.

"She's one smart cookie right Ryan!" Andy said proud of our Luna. I nodded in agreement. Although Emma was very small even for her age she still held a sense of maturity.

"Awe so you're just a little kid." Elise said talking down to my mate.

"A kid that's smarter than you" Emma said. With a smirk on her face. Her pouty lips lifted in the corner making her look adorably fierce.

Elise huffed and turned on her heel and walked away. The bell rang signaling us to class we had first period together math. When we walked in our teacher Mr. Jeffery greeted us and had Emma sit next to me at my request. Mr. Jeffery was in fact part of our pack and even though I held power I'd never use it on my teachers I respected Mr. Jeffery he was a brilliant man and in fact very good at math. Rumor had spread through our pack that Emma was my mate so that's the reason he had sat her next to me.

We sat down at our desks. Mr. Jeffery had told Elise to sit in another desk which made her even more angry at Emma. Who couldn't help but giggle at Elises face when she was told to move. I held Emma's hand the entire period unless I had to write something down. Our period went smoothly it was weird that Emma helped me if I had trouble instead of me helping her but I didn't get frustrated or feel inferior. She was my mate like my dad said we were their to help one another. I liked that she was as smart as me because she was also as mature as me.

When the bell rang I walked Emma to her science class she promised to stay outside the classroom until I could pick her up. Satisfied with her response I headed to my next class English.

English isn't my favorite class now that Emma wasn't their with me. Although all my other guy friends were in their we all sat at the same table.

"So how did our Luna do first period?" Arthur asked.

"Great I can't believe how smart she is. I'm sad she's not with us right now" I said in pout all the other guys looked at me as if I was crazy to want to be around any female. They didn't question my sanity instead they just nodded in agreement.


Class couldn't end soon enough I was just waiting for the bell to ring so I could go to Emma. When the bell did ring I was up and out of my desk before I could say goodbye to the guys. When I arrived to her class their she was standing outside her class talking to a boy. A boy! I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. The guy was small and weak. He had on a pair of thin glasses and was holding a book titled Peace and War. When he saw me his eyes widened with fear.

Emma ignored me and continued talking to the boy in front of her.

"So what do you think of the book so far? I read it last year. I got kinda bored during the middle because of how long it was."she says.

"Yeah it is kind of boring but I want to read the list on Mr Garby's fine literature list before high school so I can move up." He said.

"I'm just glad theirs someone else my age at this school." Breathed out.

So this kid is her age. He does look a little young he was human I could smell it along with the reeking smell of hand sanitizer.

"Well bye Artie I hope you have a good day." Emma said turning to me after waving goodbye.

"Hey." She said finally giving me her attention.

" Who was that?" I ask my voice on edge.

" Him? That's Artie he's a year older than me he also skipped several grades. He seems nice but boy is a Germer phobia" she laughs.

"He had me put hand sanitizer on before leaving the classroom as if I'd get sick." She starts laughing again. I couldn't help but laugh too. We weren't laughing at Artie we just know that werewolves can't get sick. So the fact that he was unaware we couldn't was kind of comical. We made it to art class just in time. I had her sit at a group table with me and some of the other guys. Our teacher assigned us our new project. We were to all make a large art piece together. It was to be a painting that we all could agree on.

"Lets do a white wolf" Emma said.

White wolfs are a myth in our culture so the the idea was pretty cool. White wolfs are healers and have the gift of knowledge. We all agreed on the idea. We decided that we'd all do a separate sketch and choose which one we liked most to paint onto our large canvas.

When Emma began to draw I couldn't help but watch as she took a blank paper and turned it into a beautiful drawing of a wolf each stroke of her pencil held preciseness and in the end I knew that we'd all chose hers.

The bell rang we all put our sketches into our backpack and headed to the cafeteria. The boys and I sat at our table with Emma right next to me we were so close to each other that our legs touched.

My mother had prepared our lunches we had a sandwich, granola bar, apples, and a bag of goldfish. We ate our lunch and then we all talked about everything and nothing. Then trouble decided to join the conversation.

"Hey boys, Ryan. How was first period I can't believe the teacher would move me!" She says loudly in a fake shocked tone. Ugh I hate her voice it's like knives on a chalk board.

" I don't mind I get to sit with my Emma. I say looking next to me as Emma's cheeks turn into a pretty pink as she blushes.

"What do you even see in her she's like four years younger than us!" She screeches.

" Three years." I hear Emma say.

"What?" Elise says still shooting daggers with her eyes.

Emma POV

"I'm three years younger than you guys my birthday is next week. So technically three years younger." I say as I talk down to her as if she's in kindergarten and doesn't understand anything. She once again gives me a dirty look which at this point she just looks constipated. Everyone at our table is trying to hold back their laughter until Arthur can't hold it in any longer and everyone breaks down laughing. Once again Elise turns on her heel and walks away.

The rest of our day went buy pretty fast and before I knew it school was over and I was waiting for Ryan to pick me up from class. I saw him running towards me and before I knew it he had lifted me up into a bear hug. I let him hug me as I felt tingles all over my arms I would live in his arms if I could. Ryan slowly set me down before he grabbed my hand and we walked to the car. My dad was picking us up this time. After the first day of school we always get ice cream it just our tradition. We head to the closest Ice cream shop in town which is called Merley's Creamery. When we walk in all you can smell is the sweet scent of ice cream. I chose the flavor strawberry cheesecake which looked absolutely delicious and Ryan chose rocky road along with my dad. We then sat outside in the sun I sat on Ryan's lap as we ate our ice cream in silence.

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