Chapter 20

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If Kanan thought the security on the other slave camp was tight, he had seen nothing yet. This camp was full of guards, from the outside to the inside. Getting in alone was seemingly impossible. Thankfully Kanan wasn't alone.

He, Zeb and Luke were dressed as slave traders while Hera and Ofelia were handcuffed and walked in front of them.

Lonnie, Sabine and Choper were the backup team. Hopefully they wouldn't need any. As they approached the gate Kanan tightened his palm around the restraints.

"This is it!" He thought "There's no turning back now"

"What is your business here?" One of the man asked. The other three had their weapons ready.

"We're here to sell these two. I heard the Slave Master gives good money for pretty faces"  Kanan said and Zeb pushed Ofelia and Hera forward. With practiced ease they put on their scared faces and the guard stepped aside. The one closest to the door dialed in a code and the doors opened.

Two guards were expecting them inside. They walked down the hallway and silently, Zeb walked behind the guards and knocked them out with a single hit.

"Okay" Kanan said. "Everyone split up. We are going to turn every rock in this slave camp until we find him"

Everyone nodded and ran off.  Kanan, Zeb and Luke took the east side of the camp. They opened every single door in sight and freed many slaves. Zeb got to punch every single guard in sight.

"Finally, a proper fist fight. Those storm troopers can;t take a punch. Kanan chuckled. He tried to find Ezra through their bond but it was even weaker than before. Kanan was sure that didn't only have to do with the time they spent apart and that it was definitely not good nothing good.

"Luke?" he asked while he was deactivating one of the slave's tracking chips with the de-activator. Sabine had made it for that one time they had to raid an imperial slave camp.


"That man that has Ezra, exactly how dangerous is he?"

Luke sighed.

"From all the slavers around here, he is the worse. Most of the slave traders only care about making money. Sure they hurt their slaves and they keep some for themselves but not like him. He is a narcissistic sadist. He is known in every body market on Datooin. He keeps buying slaves but none of them lasts long and most of them mysteriously disappear. So he keeps on buying new ones.No one know where he gets the money. He sells way less than he buys. Some think he works with the empire. Gives them slaves in exchange for money, so he can buy more slaves and keep some for himself"

Kanan nodded as he dialed the code Ofelia had given them in the panel. If that bastard was working for the empire it was definitely not good. One wrong move and the place would be swarming with storm troopers. It was only lucky that no one had saw them yet. And those who did hadn't had the chance to report them thanks to Zeb's wrath.

He grabbed his comm. Hera answered.

"Any luck love?" she asked.

"No, Ofelia was right. He wasn't stupid enough to keep him in a normal cell"

"So I guess we go to plan B"

Kanan sighed. "I'm afraid so..."

"Kanan, it's for Ezra"

"I know" he took a deep breath. He let the force flow through him and he released his feelings to it. He felt a weight leave his shoulders. "Just be careful. I don't want him to hurt you"

"I will. I promise" Hera said softly before he hang up. Kanan stood there for a moment. His hand was hripping the comm so tight that his knuckles had turned white. Zeb put a hand on hs shoulder.

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