Chapter 16

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I ran up to Mikasa's house, jumping over the fence and banging my fist on the door. Mikasa never lived in the Yeager Estate but she sometimes visit just to show off that her marriage with Eren is still standing. But she had her own house, a shabby one. The building is standing proudly like any victorian houses yet this one, on one glance, it is just a house, not a home. The plants on the front were unkept with all the weeds and dried leaves scattered in the front porch, its a mess in general.

"Open up! You bitch! I know you are back from France!" I shouted. Stepping back, I raised my left foot and kicked the door with all my might. The thick door didn't even budged but I'm not giving up. I need to know what exactly happened to Levi. Taking a few steps back, I brace for impact as I threw myself to the door.

And that's when the fucking door opened.

I landed on my left shoulder as I fell on the entrance of the house, and the first thing I saw is someone's feet. I looked up and once again see Mikasa's ugly mug. Does this girl even express emotions? When we are living under Eren's roof, we dine with her from time to time and her expression is as blank as ever, this day is not an exception.

"You should have used the bell," Mikasa deadpaned. "You were disturbing the neighbors."

"Disturbing, my ass!" I spit as I got on my feet and point at her. "You got some explaining to do bitch!"

This time Mikasa's brow raised at me. "Really now?"

"Fuck yes! You think I won't noticed?! What kind of sick game were you guys are doing to my best friend?!"

"I'm sorry, I don't know what are you talking about-"

"Yeah right bitch! What did you do and where did you took Levi's body?!"

"Levi's dead." Mikasa glared at me but I cannot careless.

"You think you can fool me?" I took a step forward, I can feel the mild pain in my palm as I clench my hand hard that my fingernails are digging on my palm. Just incase she denies again, I won't hesitate to punch her in the face. "When Levi died, you took away his body before we can further take a good look at him. Then you didn't provide where he was buried when I asked. And earlier, I met this person named Rivaille who looks exactly like Levi!" I shouted, grabbing her in her the collar of her shirt. "What the fuck did you do to Levi?!"

Mikasa stared at me blankly in silence for a good minute, then she close her eyes and sigh. "Please, come in."

Her sudden change of heart made me gaped at her, loosening my hold on her collar. Then she calmly walks inside the house. "Please, wait here." She gestured at bland looking the living room. Like seriously is this girl color blind or what? Because now I can see the house interior, it sucks. The wallpaper colors were faded, as well as the colors of the curtians, the sofas are in good condition but it's gray leather made the room gloomy with all the faded wallpaper and curtain combine. Not mention the wilted flowers on the vase. Yikes.

I followed her even when she went to the kitchen and prepared tea for both of us. She is really testing my patience.

"Look, I don't want to play games with you-"

"But isn't it for the best?" Mikasa cuts in.

I stared at her, surprised that she admits what she or Levi's parents did. "You mean, Levi didn't died?! What did you guys did to him?!"

"But isn't it for the best?" Mikasa repeated with a sigh. "Don't scream at me, it was all his mothers doing. I'm just doing it all because she is my aunt and uncle." Pulling the chair from the dining table, the raven Alpha sat, gesturing for me to take a seat as well. This is going to be a long story.

"When Levi was sent to the mad house, his mother gave the nurses specific drugs for him." Mikasa started.

So everything started at the madhouse? Interesting, I never thought that Levi's prescriptions will be different than ours but the mad house had doctors, one can't just hand different drugs to a patient. Unless.

"Yes, the Ackermans bribe the doctors in the madhouse. My aunt, she wanted Levi to be the perfect Omega yet he is so in love with Eren to the point that he'll stole his own fathers files. After some point, my aunt thought that if Levi can't be a perfect Omega, then he'll have to be a perfect Alpha."

"What?!" I stood from my seat.

"The files that Levi stole were drugs aiming to change one's dynamic, even my uncle thought it was a sign that Levi took it, thus they tested it on him and sending him to the madhouse where people were forced to drink drugs every hour, is a perfect set up."

"Their own son..." I said with a quivering breath.

"It was crazy, I know," Mikasa said yet her expression didn't even shift. "Guess I know where Levi got his craziness."

"Hey!" I exclaimed.

"Anyways, things didn't go as the way they hoped. Levi and you and the other nurse escaped. His parents were furious but they put up a front, as always. Then Eren bought him back, the news flies too quickly and instantly his parents knew and ask me to switch the drugs Eren gave him. Eren didn't noticed anything, he seems like he is always distracted when Levi is around. Pathetic."

"You bitch!" I almost climbed at the table and claw her.

"Yeah, yeah, sure. Moving on, the drugs gradually work, when Levi was raped I think it triggers all the Alpha hormones that is in his system and he manage to kill that Alpha."

"Levi's death..."

"Is just a side effect. It may look like he died because his heart stopped beating for a moment but in truth, he is just, more like hibernating as the drugs work in his system."

"But he's a beta now," I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist. I can't believe I'm hearing all of this, hearing what exactly happened to my friend. How dare these people.

"Apparently, his Omega dynamics still overpowered the Alpha hormone drugs and the safest solution is turning him into a beta as well, which my uncle isn't pleased."

"What about his memory?"

"Oh, that's another drug developed by his father. That one works well, he's very happy with that one that he didn't mind that Levi's a plain beta now."

"So Levi was nothing but a lab rat to his own parents?! Forcing him on drugs?!"

"You can say that," Mikasa casually took a box of cigarettes and a lighter in her back pocket, popping one stick, she place it between her lips and lighted. Taking a long drag before staring blankly at the kitchen window. "That's basically the Ackermans in a nutshell. Levi's a part of it now, he left France with my other uncle, Kenny, and planning to sell drugs here."

"Shit...." I cursed. "Why are you saying this to me?" I actaully expected more lies and denials but Mikasa casually spilled all the beans.

She turn to face me. "Because I know, no matter what you do, you can't help Rivaille."

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