Chapter 25

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Happy reading beautifuls....

“If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you.”
– Winnie the Pooh

Tooba's p.o.v

I ran towards the garden with red face ignoring the hootings behind me.

"Ahm ahm!!"
Haider cleared his throat and I looked at him who was laughing like an idiot.

I raised my brow at him.

"What was that?"


"Ahm ahm!"
He looked at sky touching his cheek remembering me about the kiss Rehab just gave me.
I slapped his arm playfully and he laughed.

"Let's come to the point why you brought me here?"
I said sitting on wood chair.

"Yeah that!!"
He sat in front of me.

"You remember we went for shopping yesterday? Remember??"
I threw ball on him which I just picked from grass.

"I don't have Alzheimer! I remember everything."

"Allah na kry!! Ksi beaten kr rhin hn ap?"
I smiled at his concern.

"OK so the thing is when we went mall for shopping I saw Zara looking at some dress in awe expression but then she looked the price tag and her smile faded and she went out of that shop."

"Ohh! Yeah I remember she was not seeming happy as before when we went for coffee after shopping."
I said thinking.

"Yeah!! But when she came out of the shop I saw Yusha going in that shop and I looked from glass window that he bought the same dress Zara was looking at. Not this only but after coming out of shop, I found him eyeing Zara loving."

My jaw dropped to ground.

He closed my mouth by holding my chin.

"Na kro yar! Na kro! Esay kesa hgya?"
I shook my head in disbelief.

"What I am dóing? I am doing nothing. If someone is doing here something then its them. I am telling you Bhabhi there is something black in our daal."
He said focusing.

"I guess our whole daal is black."
I said grazing my imaginary beard.

"One thing is sure they both have a thing for each other but these emotionless fools won't admit it in front of each other."

"You are right. I  have known Zara for years. She is so shy."

"Same for Yusha!! He won't open up easily."

"I have a plan!!"
I said excitedly.

"What? What??"

"Come closer!!"

He moved his ear in front of me and I told him my idea.

"Wow Bhabhi bear!! You have such a sharp brain."

We hified and laughed.

"If you both are done then please come inside we are playing something interesting."

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