Chapter 63

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Happy reading beautifuls....

"Even if the whole world comes together I will not let you be unhappy!!"

Author's p.o.v

One week passed by blur.

Neha was still puzzled at Zaroon's words.

Everyone was sitting in launch when Saim and Zaroon entered in launch.

"Promise me Haider one thing!!"
Zaroon said sotting beside Haider.


"Haider looked at him confused.

"That you won't interrupt Saim!!"

Haider managed to say only this on Zaroon's stern tone.

"So the news is I have found a well established and settled boy for Neha and we have planned to have their nikkah this Friday."
Neha felt her world spinning and Haider's mouth hung opened.

A mere whisper left Neha's mouth out of shock.

Everyone greeted Saim and Neha and were very happy.

Neha smiled lightly.

"And one more thing!!"
Zaroon said standing up.

Neha was throwing beggars at him who was smiling like a idiot. If looks can kill then he would surely by under 7 feets.

"I got a call from Minahil!!"

This time Haider's ears raised up.

"And she gave me the news that she and Asfandyar are also having their nikkah on the same day so me and Saim have decided to have both Minahil's and Neha's nikkah in same hall."

Haider choked on the water he was drinking.

This was his world's turn to spin now.

Neha and Haider exchanged horrific looks.


"It would be more fun!!"

"We are going for shopping today!!!"


Various voices were echoing in launch but Neha and Haider were too deaf to hear anything. They were feeling like a huge building broke just above their heads.

Neha quietly stood up and moved towards her room.

Haider too could not take anymore so ran outside of house.

"Congrats bro!!"
Yusha and Rehab gave brotherly hugs to Zaroon as soon as they both left the launch.

"But I still hate you guys for hurting my Haider. Did You all look the pain on his face after hearing that news?"
Tooba pouted.

"What's the fun without drama yar??"
Zara said and she smiled nodding.

They all sat on sofas planning about the event.

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