Introduction - Callista

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9 years ago

I hear my boys Ethan and Evan teasing their sister Everlee and realize I can't sleep in any longer. I need to get up before a war breaks out. Having a set of triplets is often a challenge. Especially when two of them are identical twin boys and the other one, a very small girl. Everlee was our miracle baby, we honestly thought I was just having twins, since she was small and hidden behind her brothers. We never even knew she was in there with them. Even though she is small and considered the runt, every day I'm grateful to have her in my life. I know a lot of packs don't care for their runts, but my princess is spoiled and very loved. After all not many girls are born to packs these days andI got lucky to have the cutest little girl there is.
"Mom! Ethan and Evan keep pulling my hair!" Everlee yells from the other room. Must be their fathers aren't in the house right now. Those boys would never dare tease their sister with the Alpha and beta around. "Boys stop being mean to your sister!" I yell back, as I get dressed and ready for my day. I'm taking Everlee to the mall for our annual shopping trip and spa day today. We go every year the day after the triplets birthday ever since she was old enough to go to the spa with me. Like I said she is very spoiled.

"Daddy!" I hear Everlee squeal as the front door opens. Must mean Luke her father and beta of our pack is home. He is the only one she calls Daddy. She reserves the title of Father for Marcus, our packs Alpha. As I walk into the living room I see him crush her close to his chest and nuzzle her. "I can't believe my princess turned ten!" Luke tells her kissing her forehead. It always melts my heart to see them together. Those two just have this special bond and it's so sweet to see.

Though we don't talk about it, it's clear Everlee is Luke's biological child. Same dark brown hair that looks almost black, same dimpled smile, and same pale skin. The only thing she got from me was my bright blue eyes and button nose. The twins however are definitely all Marcus. They are the spitting image of their father with their light brown hair and bright green eyes. We always joke that they are mini clones of him. Even so, we raise them together and both men are all three kids fathers.

"Are you guys leaving soon for your shopping trip?" Luke asks me as he puts Everlee back down and ruffles her hair. Her hair is getting so long but I can't get myself to cut it. It's just so pretty. "Yeah as soon as princess is ready." I reply giving Ever a smile. Everlee's doe like eyes get bigger as she jumps for joy. "I am so ready!" She cries out. "Okay. Then off we go." I say, kissing Luke on my way past him. "Boys!" I yell knowing they will come running. "Yes Momma!" They say at the exact same time as they come bounding into the room. They do that a lot, talking at the same time. Most of our pack still has trouble telling them apart but I always know who is who. Eth has a small freckle above his left eyebrow that Evan doesn't have but its barely noticeable unless its pointed out.

Kissing first Ethan who is the oldest of the triplets, and then Evan I tell them. "Be good for your fathers. We will be back in time for dinner. If you guys turn out to be good for your father, and I'll bring home your favorite." I watch as both boys smile big and turn to look at each other. "Yes! Supreme pizza!" They yell at the same time, high fiving each other before running off to go play or cause havoc I am not sure which. With a last little wave to Luke, Everlee and I are out the door.

We spend the morning getting our hair trimmed, nails, and makeup done. Every girl should be pampered once in awhile in my opinion. So it has become our tradition to do just that. After that we get our lunch at our favorite little bistro, followed of course by an afternoon of shopping. Ever doesn't grow as big or as fast as other shifter's being that she is a runt, which just makes it easier to get her the best clothes. It's getting dark out so we decide to go pick up the pizzas and go home. Everlee is talking a mile a minute about the new dark purple dress she got and how she swears it makes her eyes pop when a guy comes out of no where with a gun. He is a bigger guy with greasy blonde hair and smells like he was swimming in a pool of cigarettes' and alcohol. I can't believe I had my guard so far down that I didn't hear or smell anyone nearby. I discretely take a sniff and I smell two men.

"Look at you pretty girls." He says with a slur. "What do you think Jimmy?" He asks out loud and his friend steps out of the shadows he was hiding. This guy is a lot skinnier, with a shaved head and smells just as bad. He too is holding a gun pointed in our direction. I push Everlee behind me. "I bet we could get a pretty penny for that little one on the black market. She is such a cute little thing." The man named Jimmy replies, trying to peer at my daughter behind me. I feel Everlee move closer. "Please. You can have all my money. My keys to my car. Anything just leave us alone." I plead with them. "I don't know, I think your little girl could get us a lot more money. What do you think Ed?" The man name Jimmy says. "Well, I have to agree with my partner here. Pretty little girls go for a fortune on the black market." Ed replies and I know we are in trouble.

It will be a cold day in hell I let anyone touch my baby. I shift not caring if anyone else is around to see knowing I am not going to leave these assholes alive to take my girl or tell the tale of the woman who turns into a wolf. I leap for the one named Jimmy and tear out his throat, before he even has a chance to register what just happened to his friend. Of course as I'm attacking Jimmy, the other man takes aim. I feel the bullets pierce my lungs and I know I'm not going to make it. I have to keep Everlee safe though, so with the last of my strength I take down Ed with me. Ripping his throat out and collapsing along with him. With my last breaths I search out Everlee to see if she is okay. I find her crawling over to me, I can see her heart breaking but I at least she knows she is safe. My kids are my world and I'd die a thousand deaths for them if I could. I can't feel anything as Everlee drapes her body over mine but I hear her telling me she loves me. My body must shift back because I see Ever grab my hand in hers, but I don't feel any of it. I leave this world knowing my daughter loves me and that she knows I loved her enough to die for her.

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