Epilogue - Troy

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As if I wasn't obsessed with Everlee Stone before the other night at the bowling alley, I definitely want her now. After I watched her brothers take her away that night, I just barely caught it but I heard her asking her brothers about having a gift too. Well, well, well looks like my sexy little wolf is even more special than I originally thought. I have to make Everlee mine, and I am not going to let the kings stop me. I am kind of disappointed with my mom right now though. She is suppose to be this all knowing seer, but she didn't see this. Right after I met Everlee Stone I went to my mom for the future. I wanted to know if this bombshell of a woman was in my future. My mom just said she didn't see her in my future, but my mom doesn't always see everything. I tried to ask Everlee out last night before we were rudely interrupted so I didn't get her answer. I decide to go to her dorm and ask her again.

I am just about to knock on her dorm door when I hear yelling through the door. I don't really want another run in with the kings and if they are here I won't be able to ask Everlee out anyways. Those six are always getting in the way of Everlee and I. Instead of knocking, I use my wolf hearing to listen in. "What do you mean she is fucking gone?" I hear Ethan yell. " I mean I found this note here in the kitchen and her room looks like she left in a hurry." Ethan's mate the red head that hangs around Everlee says. I can never remember her name. I think Everlee calls her Lee or some thing. I don't pay much attention because she doesn't concern me. Just Everlee does. My future mate. "What does the note say exactly babe?" Evan says prompting the girl to read it.

"La La, I know this seems crazy but I have to get away for a little while. I had a vision when I touched Ryder and it really messed with my head. Please don't be mad. I will be back soon. Tell my brothers I love them and I will see them soon. Love you sister. Ever."

I walk away before any of them know I was there. The smile on my face is huge. This is the best outcome that I could think of. From the sound of that letter, Everlee doesn't just have gift she has a rare gift. There is only two gifts that I can think of that touch leads to visions. Either Everlee Stone is a seer like my mother. But not as strong because she has to touch to see things. Or she is a keeper, a person who is the keeper of knowledge of who one's mate is. Both would make excellent additions to my pack. I bet my father would be super proud of me if I brought home a mate as valuable as Everlee. I am a little disappointed that she has touched me and not bother to tell me who my mate is, but I don't care really. It's settled for me. Everlee will be mine. When she gets back I am going to win over and mate her. Everlee Stone will be mine and no one will stand in my way, not even the kings.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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