Chapter 11

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Katerina Dale

For some reason, it felt like eyes followed me everywhere I went in this mansion. As soon as Arosio left after breakfast, I tried to get away from the rest of his family so that I could make a quick phone call to my father. I need to confirm that my twin sister would still be coming tonight at midnight.

But my attempts were thwarted for the next hour, making me wonder why his family was willing to stay in the breakfast room for so long.

Don't they have things to do? Doesn't Adriano and Alanzo have their own careers to take care of?

Sighing to myself, I finally built up the courage to excuse myself from the table for the second time. As soon as I spoke, the De Luca family's eyes snapped to me and they watched me like hawks. I honestly had to suppress the shiver of terror that shot up my spine.

" something wrong? Do you need me to stay here for something?" with my head tilted to the side, I stared at Arosio's parents and brothers in confusion. Elijah stirred in my arms, making me gently rock him back and forth so that he would go back to sleep.

"No, ma il fratello ci ha detto di guardarti mentre sta lavorando. Ci ucciderà se lo lasci, come hai accennato così tanto la scorsa notte mentre sei ubriaco," Adriano mumbled in Italian as he sent a look towards his younger brother who was grinning at me with that same mischievous glint in his eyes again. (No but brother told us to watch you while he is working. He will kill us if you leave him, like you so kindly mentioned last night whilst drunk)

"Huh?" my brows furrowed as I rolled my eyes at him before turning to look at an amused Arsenio and guilt stricken Eliana.

Why does she look guilty? And, why the hell does everyone speak in Italian when they know that I can't understand?

Rude rich jerks, indeed.

"It's nothing, dear. I was hoping to spend the day with you today. Arosio will be home late as he must complete a transportation deal with the Canadian Mafia. Arosio asked me to keep you company since he may come home late tonight," Eliana explained as I fought to keep the wide grin from spreading across my face.

"That's great!" I exclaimed with pure excitement but froze when they looked at me weirdly. Dammit, Katerina! You can't show this much happiness at the fact that your fake husband will be home late. Although, I couldn't help it, Arosio is too intelligent so him being gone tonight will make my escape much easier.

"Uh...I mean...I am glad that Arosio will be sealing a deal today. That's great for business," I laughed nervously at the end and avoided their suspicious gazes before standing up with Elijah in my arms.

"Please excuse me, I will put Elijah to bed for a nap and then I will come find you, mama," I spoke softly with an innocent smile and practically ran out of the room when Arsenio nodded his head to let me go. Although, I could hear Adriano and Alanzo immediately protest when I ran out.

"But dad, ha detto di guardarla. Nessuno di noi sa cosa sta succedendo a mezzanotte," Adriano rushed out before Alanzo cut him off, seeming to agree with him. (he said to watch over her, none of us know what will happen at midnight!)

"Sì, papà. Non sa quando finirà il suo incontro con Slate Moretti, quindi dobbiamo tenerla d'occhio per lui," I had no idea what Alanzo was saying nor what Adriano said and I didn't care to wait to hear anything else.(Yes dad, he doesn't know when his meeting with Slate Moretti will end, so we have to keep an eye on her for him)

Or maybe, I was too scared to hear what Arsenio, the former Mafia boss, would say. Even though I didn't understand what they were saying, something told me they were talking about Arosio and I. And, I don't think I was courageous enough to know what they were discussing.

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