Chapter 29

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Arosio De Luca

One month.

One whole fucking month.

Katerina hasn't looked me in the eyes, touched me, nor spoken to me first for one fucking month since we got back from the hospital. Every time, it's me who speaks to her first and the only responses I get are her tight smiles and one word replies. Whenever I try to touch her or become intimate, she quickly expresses discomfort due to the pregnancy symptoms and runs away from me. 

She's even made every excuse possible to avoid going back to our childhood home every weekend in the past month. Sometimes it's morning sickness, other times it's migraines or something else similar. And every  time I get a near heart attack at the thought of my sweet wife being sick and I call our family doctor over, only for him to say everything is perfectly fine. 

Mother advised me that it was normal for Katerina to feel shocked by what happened at our childhood mansion last month and to be more understanding and patient with her, especially for our baby's sake .

And believe me, I have been very patient and tried to take it slowly with her but nothing has worked.

Every night, she runs off with Elijah right after dinner and sleeps with him in his room. Sometimes I try to join them and slide into the bed beside her like we always used to do but even while sleeping, she tenses up and scoots away from me.

Other times I get a little impatient and just carry her back to our master bedroom. She remains asleep in my arms at first but always manages to get to the furthest end of our bed in the middle of the night.

By the time I wake up in the morning, which was always a few hours before her, she is already awake, showered, and out of our bedroom. She makes breakfast like she always did but it doesn't taste the same. 

Call me fucking psychotic but I can taste the difference between the food my wife made with love versus the food she has been making in the past month. 

She smiles at me like she always has but those empty smiles don't reach her beautiful radiant green eyes. Speaking of her eyes, they were the first thing I always wanted to look at every morning along with her beaming smile but I haven't seen both in the past month.

To say I am about one second away from losing my fucking mind would be an understatement.

I miss her angelic laughter and beaming smiles.

I miss her beautiful soft voice. 

I miss her touches.

I miss my wife.

"Figlio, stai ascoltando? Sbrigati e vieni, tuo nonno ti sta aspettando!" mother practically screeched into my phone as I pulled it away from my ear and rolled my eyes. (Son, are you listening? Hurry up and come over, your grandfather is waiting for you three!)

I was currently seated in our breakfast room with Katerina who sat perfectly silent to my right while feeding Elijah who sat in her lap. My gaze remained on her as she kept her eyes focused on Elijah and never looked up at me. I couldn't help but clench my fists tightly in jealousy at the fact that all of her attention has been on our son and none on me for the past month. 

Great, now I'm jealous of my own son...

"Yes, mother. We will be there soon, bye," my words seemed to shock Katerina as she finally lifted her beautiful eyes up to meet my darkened gaze. My jaw clenched in slight anger when she flinched back as soon as our eyes met though. 

"Are...are you going somewhere?" Katerina spoke lowly, barely an audible whisper as she fed Elijah another spoonful of eggs and looked away from me again. It was as if she couldn't bare looking at me for more than five seconds and that thought alone almost had me throwing my plate across the room. 

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