Chapter 4

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Thanks to everyone for reading this story! I'm really glad for all the wonderful comments. This morning I woke up at 4:30 am just to write. I was tired, but it helped me finish up chapter three. So, here's chapter four...


Jace's P.O.V.

"Hey, wait," I called to her as I ran after her. "Wait!" I couldn't see her anymore, but as I came closer to civilization, something pounced on my back and I tumbled over. I grunted as I hit the ground heavily. I may get a bruise there in the morning. I quickly got back on my feet and face my attacker, freezing once I saw her death glare.

"I told you not to follow me," she snarled. Her eyes were narrowed and her ears were flat against her head. I ignored her comment.

"You think I put a spell on you?" I asked. What? Did she think I was a witch or something?

She raised her eyebrows. "Um, duh. I can feel you drawing me in. I don't like it so stop. Or else... or else I'll..." she trailed off, looking down at her paws.

A smart she-wolf. Common sense was good to have. "You won't kill me. You know it will endanger your own life. If my pack found out that you did, they will kill you." My pack would stand behind me no matter what. They had always loved my family. We were highly respected and not just because we were alphas.

Once, again she growled at me. "Go away," she told me trying to stare me down. Joke was on her, because I could look into those silver eyes all day. I stepped closer, but she stepped back, snapping her jaws at me in a warning. She was guarded and cautious.

"What's your name?" I asked her. I didn't even know my mate's name. Great start to a relationship, Jace, I told myself sarcastically.

"That's none of your business," she replied quickly. "Now why don't you run on home to your safe little pack, Almighty Alpha." Sassy. I liked that, but I gave in anyway. When I started padding away, my wolf side whined for me to go back.

Before I left, I turned back. "I have a name by the way," I told her. "Though you don't want to tell me yours, I'm willing to tell you mine." She looked at me with a bored expression. Yep, she was strong. Strong enough to resist the pull. For now at least.

"You say that like I'll be seeing you soon," she noted. Observant, I noted about her. So far, she was perfect in every way to me. Stubborn, but charming. Sassy, but cute. Head-strong, but smart. There was something in her eyes that was hallow though. Right now, I felt that she felt her life wasn't what she wanted it to be. I'd never wanted to comfort anyone so badly, but I knew she would rip my head off.

"I'm Jace," I told her and then turned back to bound off into the trees. Soon, I would be near her again. I couldn't resist her, and eventually, she wouldn't be able to resist me either.

Dani's P.O.V.

Thank god he left. I didn't know how much longer I could take it. It took everything I had not to run over to him and curl up right beside him. Weird, considering I didn't even know who the hell he was. All I knew was that, first of all he was a werewolf. His fur was dark brown and there was a little patch of white on his left ear. It was cute, but I shouldn't even care. I mean, what was I saying? Shut up, Dani, I told myself. He's the alpha of a pack!

A pack! The one thing I swore to myself that I'd never get caught up in. He was the alpha of a pack and I couldn't get him out of my head. Why couldn't I do that? He shouldn't mean anything. He was just some dumb male that had taken his pack and moved them to my home. The one place I had been able to live in peace away from packs and ranks and orders. He just made my life a hundred times more screwed up. So why do I still want to be near him?

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