Chapter 5

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First Chapter of 2011! I'm am writing it now, at around 12:40 am, January 1, 2011. Well isn't this just exciting? Here you go...


Dani's P.O.V.

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate Fridays? Well, I do. A lot. It's always the slowest day of school and now that I'm sharing it with seventeen other werewolves, it's even worse. I have Blondie glaring at me, and the others just watch me. Can you spell creepy? It's like seriously just leave me alone. Their alpha claims I'm his mate, well he has another thing coming for him.

I don't plan on seeing him anymore. There's no way I can stay in this town much longer. I've considered boarding school in a different state. It would be my best shot. I would still be in school until I graduate, and I wouldn't have to be in this town with the pack. Not to mention it would get me away from my family.

Now, don't get me wrong. I love my family. Really, I do, even if they annoy me. But anyone could tell I don't belong. Just look at some of the facts. I'm part wolf, and they are completely human. I love being outside and have an outgoing attitude, but not when it comes to people. They are all people persons and are more sporty than outdoorsy.

The day I'm free is the day I'll be able to live my real life.

For now, I was stuck. As I walked into the cafe, that afternoon for lunch, I was greeted by the smell of pizza. Let me get just one thing straight. Food in my school had all been frozen at one point. It was the cheap stuff that school buy and are able to just pop in the oven and serve. A lot of it was weeks old. Not once, did I buy.

The new wolves probably realized this, too, and of course, I let Katie in on the secret so she wouldn't have to suffer along with the other humans. I mean, hey. What are friends for.

I sat down at our usual table. "Hey," I said.

She looked at me and smirked. "So what happened last night?" she asked practically bouncing in her seat. I gave her a strange look there wasn't anyway she could've known about my run-in with the alpha. Katie caught on though and explained, not clearly though. "I have my ways."

"Of course you do," I said with a hint of sarcasm. "Well, I met the alpha," I said.

Katie rolled her eyes. "Well, I know that. It's all the pack has been whispering about. I mean the freshmen pack members really need to work on their whispering skills. Boy were they loud! Anyway, the word is that they found your scent on him." She paused and raised her eyebrows. Dramatic effect, as she put it. "What was that about?"

"Nothing went on between the alpha and me," I protested. "He happened to catch me while I was out for my run. You act like we slept together. Let me say this one thing. Never in my life would I sleep with a guy that I just met."

"Then what went on, Dani," she asked. "Come on! I'm your best friend. I've got to know!" I wanted to laugh. It was hilarious seeing her beg like this.

I sighed. "Well, if you really want to know, I threatened him again. Growled and warned him, as usual. He followed me and touched me. Though it was only to stop me. He was lucky that I let him live." Okay, I was being smug, but what did I care? Stupid alpha that just so happens to be my mate.

"Oh," Katie said. "Because there are apparently rumors that your his mate."

My reaction would've fooled anyone, but Katie. Part of me was seriously surprised though. I gaped at her and she just shook her head. "It's true, isn't it?" All I did was look away. "Oh, Dani," she gushed. "That's amazing. Now you can be in love and part of a pack, and-"

"No," I growled. "No pack and no mate. You and I both know it's not for me!"

Her eyebrows furrowed. "Oh come on, Danielle," she said using my full name. She only did that when she wanted things or when she was angry at me. In this case it was both. "Just give it a chance. This could be good for you."

The only thing I could do was stare out the window. My wolf wouldn't allow me to tell her no. They were both on the same side. I sighed. "I don't want to," I said.

Katie looked at me until I looked back at her. "Part of you does," she said. "I know you, Dani. Better than I know myself. You can't give this up. It's a chance at a good life for you."

"Fine," I sighed. "But I'm not just giving in. I'm going to have Jace for it if he wants me."

"Jace?" Katie asked. "Cute name. Derived from America meaning 'moon'." Okay, no surprise there. She knew a lot about names and already had picked out her kids' names. Two of them, a boy and girl. The girl would be Claire and the boy, Daniel. "What's his wolf look like?"

Instead of arguing that I didn't want to talk about it, I gave in. My best friend would never go for excuses. If you didn't give her the answers she wanted, well let's just say you might want some band-aids around. "His fur is really dark brown and he has chocolaty brown eyes. On his left ear is a little spot of white," I didn't add how cute I thought it was. No need to give her any satisfaction.

"And that's all you know?"

"That's all I know," I confirmed.


Okay, now I'm tired. It is now 1:25 am. Only took me forty-five minutes. I'll do my best to write more tomorrow, well later today I guess. TTFN and Happy New Year!

The Lone She-Wolf Who Never Wanted a MateWhere stories live. Discover now