22 | Arguments

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Victor was going through some documents when Xander entered his office.

"Do you want something?" He asked without looking up.

"Yeah, well I just needed to talk about Lila's schooling."

"What about it? Is she not studying hard enough?"

"No, it's not like that but I thought it would be better if," Xander paused hesitantly.


"If we get her enrolled in school again," Xander rambled it out in a breath.

"No," Victor firmly replied leaving no room for discussion but Xander was not giving up easily.

He wanted to do something for her and there was no way he was letting go the opportunity this easy.

"Homeschooling is doing her no good. And when we are at school, you guys are always busy with business. Don't you think she might feel lonely at home?"

"And don't you remember what happened that day she saw Daniel at school?"

"I still think that school is important."

"Her health is more important. And if you're so desperate to send her to school, I'll cancel the boy's scholarship and then you can happily take her to school."

"You can't do that. She'll hate you forever."

"She already hates me."

"There's still a chance of making up with her. But after you send away the only person she probably cares about right now, do you think she'll ever forgive you?"

"Those seizures are triggered. If she sees that boy again, she'll have go through everything again and I'm not letting that happen."

"Xavier and I, we both will be at school. We can make sure he stays away from her," Xander said, desperation evident in his voice. "Beside John is captured, I don't see any reason to keep her locked up inside this house."

"John is with us but the Russians are still out. Even if they have kept everything low for quite a while, we can't take any risk."

"That's bullshit. I still don't understand why we have to suffer for some old man's mistakes," Xander said dramatically throwing his hands in air.

"Those mistakes are the reason why we are here."

"We had to live away from her for ten years. And now you are saying that we are going to deprive our sister of a normal teenage life because of some pathetic lowlifes."

Victor thought for a moment. Of course, Xander had a point. But then it was Lila herself who was willing to be home-schooled.

"Did you forget that it was Lila who was willing to get out of school?"

"Yeah, I know. And it was Lila herself who had asked me to talk to you."

"Did she?" Victor asked suddenly interested in the whole ordeal. "Why?"

"As I said, she has to stay at home all day with nothing to do and no one to keep her company."

"But I've provided her with all other facilities."

"Facilities?" Xander scoffed. "Come on Vic, those things can get pretty boring after a while. She needs to go out."

Victor nodded his head slowly contemplating everything that his brother had said.

"Okay," He said after a while.

"Okay? Really?" Xander beamed. "Is it my persuasion skills are getting better or you have become a bit more understanding."

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