28 | Secrets

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"It all started thirty years ago," Mia started.

"Thirty?" I gasped. 

"So? You think it's some fucking year or two old rivalry," She snapped.

"Don't tell me they have been holding a grudge for the past thirty years. I mean isn't it a bit too much?"

"You are really are an Alfonso. Your brothers also always say the same thing," She said shaking her head. "I bet you say this after hearing what happened."

"Tell me then."

"Italians have always been the most powerful Mafia ever since it's formation. But there was a time when the smaller ones started forming allies and gaining power. One such was the Russian mafia. It was thirty years ago when the Russians raised to the position of the second most dangerous family in the mafia world. 

"Coincidentally, it was the same year your father was to take over the business. Your grandfather, being the cunning person he was, came up with a plan, a condition. The condition your father had to fulfill to gain access to his inheritance. Do you know what that condition was?"

"To destroy the Russian family?"

"Correct! And do you know how he did that?"

I shook my head and she laughed evilly.

"You know what they say? 'The youngest, the weakest'. The key to any family's destruction is the heir. Kill the heir and the family is finished."

"My dad killed their heir?"

"Killed her?" Mia let out another sinister laugh. "It would've been better if he had killed her," She spat bitterly.

"Joanna Ivanov, the only child of the Russian leader. Just like you, she knew nothing about her family's involvement in Mafia. Your dad was quick to impress her with his charms and make her fall for him."

"What did. . .he do then?"

"After that?" She scoffed. "Initially, your father had planned on simply killing her but then he changed his mind. He coaxed her into stealing all her father's documents saying he would learn everything about their business and win his trust.

"Poor Joanna thought she was helping her lover to impress her dad but in actual, she was digging up her parents grave."

I gasped.

"Dad killed her parents?"

Mia suddenly paused pacing around and turned to face me.

"On their wedding day, he killed her parents in front of her eyes as a present and then instead of her, married your mom." She scoffed. "And at last, he still didn't kill her. Rather he gave her a gun and asked her to shoot herself like a pathetic coward."

I shook my head in disbelief. No, this was not my dad she was talking about. No matter what, he can never be that cruel.

"Y-You're lying. You. . .you just want me to hate my family more."

"Just because you deny to believe it, the truth can't be changed." She forcefully grabbed my chin to made me look at her. "Your father is nothing but a power hungry bastard, Lila. Why do think your mother left him? Why do think she always stayed away from home back then? Because she knew him, the true him.

"Do you really think that your mother willingly married your dad that day? Who would ever marry a person like him? She was forced to do so. Her only task was to give birth to the heir and when she did, she was finally set free."

She let go my face and looked at me intently. "Luca Alfonso is loyal to just two things in this world, his business and his children. He doesn't care about anything or anyone else."

As much as I hated it, everything she said added up in some twisted manner and made sense. But then I remembered something.

"The call? He hung up on me that day while he could have easily saved me." If my dad really loved me like Mia claimed, why did he treat me that way back then?

"Ah, that," She said smirking. "For that, no one but your luck is to be blamed. The time you called your dad was the time when there was a lot of instability in the business. A war was going on between the different families. If your dad had talked to you even a second more that day, he feared that the Russians and his other rivals would have easily tracked down your location and used you as a leverage."

"But wait. . .if my dad killed the Russian leader thirty years ago, how are they still coming after me?"

"Not stupid, huh. Your dad thought that he killed the leader and his family and won. But what he didn't know about was Joanna's adopted brother."

"Didn't you just say that she the only child?"

"She was but her dad loved her too much to involve her in something as dangerous as Mafia. So, he adopted a boy who was being secretly trained to be the next leader. No one knew about him. You know, he was like a secret weapon."

"So that boy is the one who wants to kill me now to avenge his family."

"Exactly. Want to know another secret?"

"What now? Isn't this much enough already?" I shouted, irritated while she laughed at my state.

"What if I tell you that Joanna didn't kill herself that day? What if I tell you that someone saved her?"

"Who saved her?"

"Your mother."

"My mother?"

"Like I said, she was not that bad of a person you think of her as."

"Where is Joanna now then?"

"Even though she survived that day but the poor soul couldn't battle the post trauma and depression. She died during child birth."

"Child birth?"


"You mean. . .m-my. . ."

"Yes, your half-brother. He lives with his uncle now."

"Gosh, this is just too much," I said mentally face palming myself.

"You think it's too much already. Don't you want to know who his uncle is?"

"Didn't you just tell me that? The current Russian leader, of course."

"Yes but who he actually is?"

"You mean I know him?"

"Definitely." She smirked. "Take a guess."

"Just tell it already."

She walked towards me slowly.

"Why don't you meet him yourself?" Leaning forward, she whispered in my ear.


"It's me," Someone said from behind Mia. The person, who had just entered the room, was standing in the dark due to which I couldn't see his face properly.

"Who are you?" I asked him again.

He stepped forward in the light. When I saw his face, my eyes widened in horror and jaw dropped to the ground.

How is this even possible?




Don't blame me. I actually asked you if you guys were ready.

*runs away before you all can kill me*


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