Bad Habit

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     "Thank you for today. It was perfect," I said as we walked back to the car. It truly was perfect. It was simple, but somehow everything I would have wanted from a first date. I wasn't sure if that was what this was, but I hoped it was. Harry and I were doing things in a weird order, and we hadn't really talked about what this was yet. Maybe if Harry weren't who he was then this wouldn't be like this, but I didn't really know how normal relationships worked anyways so maybe this was how it always was. We reached the car, and he held the cherry red door open for me.

     "Thank you for coming with me. You made it perfect," he said as he shut the door behind me. He walked around the front of the car keeping his eyes on me the whole time, raising his eyebrows as he said, "I enjoyed the scenery." I chuckled, my cheeks going red as he reached his side of the car.

     "Where did this come from, anyway?" I asked him looking around at the black leather interior of the car as I placed my left hand on the ball of the shift. "Do you just keep classic cars lying around in different places around the world?"

     "I have my ways," he said as he sat down in his seat. I narrowed my eyes at him, with a smile. "It is a friend's car, that he kindly loaned me today."

     "What kind of car is this anyway, it's beautiful." I reached up fingering the fuzzy dice hanging from the rear-view mirror.

     "A sixty-four Chevy Corvette Sting Ray Convertible." That is a mouthful I thought. He placed his hand on top of mine on the stick. "Do you know how to drive a manual?"

     "Sort of. A past friend tried to teach me in the parking lot of our high school when I was sixteen. I have the knowledge of how it's just actually doing it that is the problem."

     "Switch me spots," Harry said as he began to open his car door.

     "What? NO. No way." I shook my head. There was no way I was going to test my driving skills with this car.

     "Why not?" He said keeping his door slightly open but turning his body towards me.

     "Not in this car. I will break it."

     "I can promise you, you won't break it. It'll be alright." I turned my head away from him.

     "Nope," I said crossing my arms in front of my chest, turning my head away from him, refusing. I heard Harry's door shut and I was relieved he took no for an answer so I relaxed back into my seat. I turned my head to look back at Harry, but he wasn't there. I shot my eyes up and to the front of the car. Harry was already on his way to my side. "Harry, no. I can't do this." Harry reached my door opening it up and grabbing my hand.

     "Yes, you can. Put yourself out there, remember? I'm right here." I knew he wouldn't stop until I gave in.

     "Grr. Okay fine," I said going limp and letting him pull me out of my seat. I made my way to the other side of the car as Harry sat in my previous spot, leaning over, opening the door for me from the inside. I slowly stepped into the car lowering myself down into the seat. The height difference between Harry and I made it so that I couldn't even reach the peddles. I reached between my legs pulling the lever up and moving the seat forward until both my feet touched the necessary parts.

     "Short legs," Harry said with a chuckle.

     "I'll gladly get out and you could just drive," I said reaching for the handle of the door.

     "No, no. I will not say another thing about your short legs, and if it counts for anything, I like your short legs."

     "Say short legs again," I said, ready to pounce like a short-legged cat.

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