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Harry's POV

    "I can't do it. I can't go out there." I put my head into my hands as I continued to pace back and forth backstage.

      "Harry you can and you will," Jeff stated, sitting down on one of the many chairs that were spread around the room. The rest of the band were sitting amongst them before it was time to go out. I had spent the whole day scared to walk out on that stage and they didn't want to leave me alone thinking I might run. No matter how many times I told them I wasn't going to. When Jeff finally came to tell us it was time to go out, everyone got up, and I stayed right where I was.

     "I know I will, but I'm terrified. What if she isn't out there? Oh god. What if she is?" I looked up at Jeff, for some sort of older male guidance.

     "And what if she is?"

     "I don't know. That is why I am asking," I said rolling my eyes. I hoped more than anything that I would walk out there and see her blue eyes staring back at me but I knew that there was another much bigger chance that she wouldn't be smiling her bright smile back at me.

     "All you can do is take this one step at a time. Whether she is out there or not, you'll know what to do when that moment comes," he said coming up and placing his hand on my shoulder with a reassuring squeeze. I nodded at him, placing my hand into the pocket of my black trousers, rubbing the folded notebook paper. If she was out there that was the one mission, get her this letter. She needed to know how I truly feel. Nothing was holding me back now. I was over her not being in my life. A month was long enough.

     "Alright I am ready," I said moving towards the stage entrance.

     "Great!" Jeff said, excitedly punching the air. Did he really think I wouldn't put on my big boy pants and go out on that stage? As I walked forward my band mates all began to smile. Did they all think that? I nodded my head at them and that was their queue. They all began to exit onto the stage as the crowd's screams began to grow louder.

     I waited a minute, taking a deep breath, before whispering "Okay Sunflower," and taking my first step onto the stage. The minute I stepped out the lights came up and everything was so bright but I could hear thousands of people screaming my name, but there was only one I hoped to be out there. I walked up to the microphone, my eyes still trying to focus from the light.

       "DENVER! How are we tonight?" I said a smile plastered on my face as I stretched out my arms to the crowd. The screams picked up once again. This feeling was unlike any other and I knew the only feeling that could top this right now would be the feeling of DJ next to me. My eyes finally began to focus and I could start to see some of the faces before me. "You are all looking so lovely tonight, let me get a good look at all of you." I stepped away from the microphone and off to the side, pretending to look at everyone, when in reality there was only one face that I was searching for.

     I scanned the audience before me, almost making it all the way across the room before I saw her. The blue denim hat sitting on her head, the orange jumpsuit on, a poster held as high as she could above her head. My smile fell a little but quickly grew once again, not wanting to show any disappointment. This was also a moment I waited for for a while but it wasn't the surprise I wanted right now. I quickly looked back at Mitch and Sarah with a small smile.

     "Well it looks like we have a special friend in the audience tonight," I started, Sarah and Mitch's eyes growing wide but I just shook my head back in response. "And it is her birthday today!" I yelled out as the crowd erupted into cheers. I turned back towards where she was standing and looked down on her and her Play The Fish Song It's My Birthday sign. "Gabby, you want to come up here a minute?" I asked her as her eyes began to dart around the room as she looked from me to who I assumed was her father. He looked from me to her and then back to me with a look of are you sure? And all I could do was nod. Yes of course I wanted to see her. I had fallen for that little girl with everything I had learned about her and I had the strange sudden urge to want to go fishing. If this was as close to DJ as I was going to get then of course I wanted to meet her.

     I turned towards where George was at the side stage and with the look on my face asked him if he would mind going to grab her and bring her up here, he nodded, a smile on his face, turning on his heels to go grab her.  "Alright while Gabby is getting brought up here why don't we start the night off shall we?" I wouldn't be surprised if more than one person in the crowd went home with no voice, for how loud this crowd was.

     Charlotte and Ny Oh started up with the piano, followed by Sarah with the percussion, as we all waited for the beat to drop. "Hey!" I yelled into the microphone as I danced around the stage. "Golden, golden, golden as I open my eyes," I sang. Even though none of the songs I had written before were technically about DJ I knew from now on anytime I performed any of my songs, I would think of her. "Hold it, focus, hoping. Take me back to the light," I just wanted to be back in her light. "I know you were way too bright for me. I'm hopeless, broken," her light could outshine anyone if she let it. I continued to scan the crowd as I continued to sing, hoping that she would just magically be there but I knew she wouldn't be.

     "And I know that you're scared Because hearts get broken," I sang out the last words trying to catch my breath. I knew she was scared but I also knew in that very moment that it didn't matter. The past, present or future, she was all I wanted in life. The band continued to play some sound as I looked to the side stage where George stood with my future niece and I smiled. I walked over to Gabby and kneeled down so we were face to face. Her blue eyes were wide as she quietly stood there, the biggest smile I had ever seen.

     "Uncle Harry," she finally said and my heart froze. I looked up to George and he smiled down on me.

     "Gabby," I said as I wrapped her in my arms. She stood straight for only a second before relaxing into my hug and squeezing my back. "Do you want to come dance to the fish song with me before George brings you back to your dad?" I asked her and she began to bounce.

     "Yes, yes, yes!" She yelled.

     "Good!" I laughed, "I wouldn't want to preform it with anyone else."  I stood back up, putting my hand in my pocket pulling out the folded piece of paper. "This is a letter for your aunt. If we put it in your pocket would you promise to bring it to her?" I began to fidget with the paper in my hand, hoping she would agree.

     "Aunt Dee?" She asked and I nodded. "Yes I will give it to her," she said with a smile.

     "Thank you love," I said, putting the letter in the front pocket of her jumpsuit and then grabbing her hand to bring her front and center. She looked at all the bright lights, her other hand coming up to shield her eyes. "Ladies and gentleman tonight is going to be a little different. Tonight's show is dedicated to Gabby here and her beautiful aunt DJ," The crowd erupted once again as my smile grew. The band and I planned something different for this set, mixing the set list and adding some songs I hadn't played on this tour or the last.  "The set list will be different from what you're expecting. I hope you are all okay with that!" I knew they wouldn't care. They were all just excited to be here.

     "Yes!" Gabby yelled and I began to laugh.

     "Well I guess that settles it. Let's all just have a little fun tonight shall we?!"

The Fish SongTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon