Chapter 16

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An Unbelievable Night

We tried to pass the red velvet rope and tough looking undercover spies that guarded the entrance of several clubs and bars but we got turned away. We tried multiple scams and distractions but none of them were successful. In the end after multiple threats to call the police on the accusation of ‘causing trouble’ we settled for raiding the local shop and getting completely wasted back in the middle of the woods away from the feds. We gathered outside the shop and conducted our plan. Aden, Connor and Danny would go inside the shop, Connor would go and pay for a few cans of beer while Danny and Aden loaded their bags with more bottles of alcohol. Mine and Roxy’s task was to loiter outside the shop on lookout, if the police showed up on the scene we were to bang hard on the shop door, to signal to the boys and then run back home. We waited for a few minutes for the shop to spit out all of its paying customers before we put our devious and criminal plan into action. The boys entered the shop one at time, each with a thirty second interval in between the next act. Roxy and I moved closer to the door, we stood there pretending to have a meaningful conversation about an ex-boyfriend who had cheated on Roxy. A few minutes later out walked Aden, Danny and lastly Connor all wearing massive grins on their faces and holding bags filled with bottles. Roxy and I high fived in triumph.

We decided to head back cross country style to avoid being seen. After a ten minute obstacle course that involved climbing over obstacles such as fallen down trees, fences and crossing small rivers we eventually made it back to base. Roxy and I wandered over to the campfire hole, lit a spark and chucked more wood on it to get it going, then we settled down around the freshly lit campfire while Connor went and retrieved the glasses from the hut. We began to play a game of ‘go fish’ to please Danny and Keith’s forever-confused minds. They didn’t really understand ‘go fish’ at first but they slowly grasped the hang of it after Roxy had explained the rules at least 5 times. As Aden walked around turning on all of the lanterns, Connor came over holding a tray of shots. We all took one and counted to ten before tipping our heads and pouring it down our throats. The burning sensation of pure vodka in my throat startled me at first but as the shots kept coming and coming I grew accustom to it. Roxy and I had great fun thrashing the boys at every game of cards we played. We would be kidding ourselves we thought that was because of our sheer talent; the boys were smashed off their heads already and it was only half ten. As the vodka began to run out the boys switched to beer and we cracked open the wine. I drank glass after glass after glass trying to forget everything about myself and my past, it was working successfully.

After the boys grew tired of cards we switched to truth or dare which would normally send me running in the opposite direction but this time it strangely sent pure excitement running through my veins. The game didn’t last very long but it saw a wine bottle fly though a kitchen window, us sprinting back into the cover of darkness, Aden admitting that he’d never had a proper girlfriend, quite a lot of snogging between me and the guys and Connor and Aden doing a long anticipated take two of their running race. As the boys set off to the starting point Roxy and I moved the logs to one side and took our places as spectators. In the distance we heard the starting yell of “GO” and they were off. It was few seconds before we heard the bushes whimper in pain as they were split in two and as their branches lifelessly fell to the forest floor. Roxy and I giggled as where heard the same foul language as before coming from the trees. Connor came rushing out of the trees like his life depended on it, a deep look of concentration was mapped onto his face. Aden followed about zero point three seconds behind him, he was so close but just as the boys reached us Connor accelerated into a sprint to cross the finish line in first place fair and square. As Connor celebrated his victory Aden slumped down onto the rock next to Roxy. As Connor passed me he grabbed my hand and started to pull me around on his second lap of victory before stopping, pulling me in and passionately kissing me as if his life I was all he had left.

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