🐲 New cover 🐲

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Do you like the shiny new cover?

If you're curious how I got this effect, here's the process:

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If you're curious how I got this effect, here's the process:

1. I used a scan of my drawing, which, as pencil drawings tend to be, is pretty flat by itself (I created an artbook if you want to check out how it looks in pencil as well as my other drawings).

2. I imported it into Krita (a drawing program - it's pretty cool, I recommend it, though it does crash on me sometimes).

3. Cut out around Ansgarde and the dragon.

4. Painted a background on top of it with a Layer blend. This process made the drawing pop and colorize (yay, no longer flat).

5. I exported the image and put it together in Pages (Mac equivalent of Word) because I like its font functions better.

So, what do you think?

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