[21] Real Mature | Midsummers II | Tease

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JJ and the guard moved quicker than I did in heels, so they passed through the doors to the patio much faster. By the time I got out there, JJ was arguing with the security guard. Kiara grabbed me as I walked by, her hand latching to my wrist like a handcuff.

"Oh! Mr. Dunleavy, I see you got your drink. Good, that's really nice of you– I'm actually gonna down that," JJ said, his voice loud and disruptive on the patio as everyone stopped what they were doing to watch him.

I watched as he knocked back the glass of whiskey with ease, taking it all in with one gulp. I could only imagine the burn of the liquor running down his throat, bubbling in the pit of his stomach. His face twisted as he grunted, hissing from the alcohol. "Aha! Whoo!" He yelled, gaining more attention than he already had.

He said something to the security guard before lifting his arms in a dramatic manner. "It's okay, everybody! Do not panic. Leave it to the men and women in uniform. Let's hear it for them!" He clapped, laughing at him. "Rose! You look like Lady Liberty. It's good to see you again. Hey! Buddy, can I have one of those?" My brows furrowed at him calling out Rose Cameron. Why would JJ know Rose Cameron?

"Let go of him!" Kiara cried. Anna and Mike rushed over to where Kiara and I stood, trying to hush their daughter.

"You can't just kick him out," I defended. JJ looked up at me, his eyes catching my own. My gaze didn't move anywheres else as I continued. "He's with me, and I'm a member of this club. I-I invited him!"

Kiara's parents looked at me with wide eyes, then turned away, choosing to act as if I wasn't a friend of their daughter. As the guard was distracted, JJ placed both his hands on the man's chest, pushing him back with all his strength, sending the full grown man into a table. "Sorry 'bout that," JJ mumbled insincerely.

JJ looked up to where Kiara and I stood, his finger pointing at us. "Hey, mandatory power hour at Rixon's, Winslow, Kie. Pope, you as well, alright? Rixon's Cove. Let's roll."

None of us moved, causing JJ to start clapping his hands in a hushed manner. "Winslow, come on. Kie, workers of the world unite! Throw off your chain!"

I smiled, feeling a giggle rise from the back of my throat. I shrugged at Kie and her parents and took of sprinting down the stairs, beckoning the two of them to follow me. JJ and John B were under a display of lights on a tree, smiling and saluting at each other.

JJ turned and grinned, opening up his arms. As I was about to run towards them, Kiara shot past me, giggling as she jumped into his arms. He picked her up, twirling her around. I slowed my pace, feeling my heart stop. My stomach burned like acid as I clenched my jaw, gritting my teeth together. I would've stopped moving completely if it wasn't for Pope slinging his arm around my neck, pulling me into a hug with him and John B.

Pope looked down into my eyes and smiled gently, his hand squeezing my shoulder. I did my best to return the smile, but the acidic burning in my chest, infecting my whole body, made it hard. Jealousy is a nasty thing.


Cicadas were chirping as we all sat around a fire at Rixon's Cove. I felt drained as I looked into the fire, watching as JJ threw more wood in, adding to the cackling and pops.

I didn't want to be this girl, the one who sits off on the sidelines when she gets upset, but I couldn't shake the green-eyed monster mumbling in the back of my head. He likes her now. You missed your chance. He kissed her, too. He thinks she's prettier than you. He wants her. She wants him.

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