Chapter One

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The orange sky began to fade to purple as the day turned to night. I laid on the cool sand of the beach and listened to the waves crashing onto the shore. A quiet groan broke the peaceful atmosphere. I looked over to my left and saw Lion giving me pleading eyes that were begging for attention. I sat up and brushed some sand off of me, I looked back at the lion and opened up my arms to him. He immediately laid his head in my lap and nuzzled his snout underneath my hand. I began to comb my hands through his white mane as my eyes directed itself to admire the ocean.

We sat in a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes before it was interrupted by the ringing notification of my phone. Lion huffed in disappointment when my hand left his fur to pick up the phone. The notification was from a news site that read 'The Crystal Gems Save The Day Once Again'. I smiled to myself knowing that the Gems were okay. Not short after the news notification, I got a call from Pearl, which I had immediately answered. "Hey (Y/n), we've just finished fighting a villain and we're about to head back home, but before we do we're going to stop somewhere and get some food because Amethyst is persisting that we do. Do you want us to pick you something up? Any food or desert?"

"Hey Pearl, me and lion just ate dinner not long ago. Do you think that you could get me some cheesecake? I don't know why, but I have just been craving it lately."

"Of course, I'll just pick up a sampler if that is okay with you?"

"Yup that sounds alright, the more flavors the merrier!"
"Alright then, we'll be home in about 30 minutes then. Are all your chores and homework done?"

"Uh yeah, who do you take me for? Amethyst." I said with a chuckle. I heard a 'Hey! Don't use me as a bad example' in the background of the phone, and a hush from Pearl.

"That is quite funny (Y/n), but you are sometimes a little irresponsible when it comes to that stuff, so you can't blame me. Well, since you said you got it done I'll let you go then. Love you!"

"Love you too Pearl!" I said. As soon as I hung up I grabbed lion by the face and yelled "TELEPORT ME BACK HOME STAT OR PEARL WILL KILL ME!" He looked at me with a disappointed look in his eyes. He did however get up and did a quick stretch before taking me back home so I could complete my uncompleted homework.


30 minutes or so passed and I finally completed my online homework. I heard the front door open and race down my loft and into the living room to greet the Gems. I ran at Garnet and launched myself at her stiff build to give her a hug. She caught without a flinch and with ease. After a bit I let go and fell to the floor with a thud, immediately I was greeted with noogie from Amethyst. Pushed her away and laughed as I fixed my now disheveled hair.

"I missed you guys! Was fighting the villain hard? And did Lapis and Peridot get to join you guys this time?"

"Fighting the villain was easy, and those two are not quite ready yet. They still need to learn more about humans before they could ever join us, and the government needs to give the okay as well." Garnet said in a monotone voice.

"Ah that sucks. Well I don't think they'll be too upset about it, I believe they finally got the TV to work at the barn, so they can finally watch that show that has been heavily advertised. I think it's called Camp Pining Hearts."

"Well that's good for them, it will keep them busy." Said Pearl. "Now then eat whatever monstrosity this is before it goes bad."


"Sorry (Y/n), I forgot that you're sensitive about your food. I just don't understand how you humans can put that stuff in your bodies. It's just absolutely horrifying."

"Horrifying to you, but an absolute pleasure for me!" I said as I took a big bite the slice I cut out."

"Now then (Y/n), are you excited for your first day at U.A. tomorrow?" Amethyst asked with a mouthful of sushi.

"Um, I am a little nervous. I mean, the school festival is already over, so I'm sure everyone in class 1A will already know each other. I'm just scared that I'll be the odd one out since I'm starting so late."

The Gems looked at each other with worry in their eyes. "Well we did explain to them about your... situation, and you'll be carefully watched by all the staff there."

"I just don't want people to get hurt because of me... like Connie." The Gems all came over and grabbed me into a hug.

"I think we should stop talking about this now. I think it's time for bed. You don't want to be tired for your big day."

I quickly wiped away the tears that almost spilled and put a smile back on my face. "You're right. I guess it's time for bed. Thanks for the cheesecake, my stomach will go to bed happy now."

"Of course sweetie, goodnight!"

"Goodnight!" I said as I ran back up to my loft. I took off my clothes that were covered in sand and threw on an oversized t-shirt. I jumped onto my bed. Not long after, lion jumped in with me and pushed his way underneath my arms. I pulled him into a tight hug, that helped put some of my nerves at ease. I felt my eyelids begin to get heavy, and before I drifted off to sleep I said to myself "I hope I don't ruin everything this time."

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