Chapter Two

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I awoke to the chirps of the birds singing their daily song. The light from the sun slipped through the blinds of my window and slightly lit up the room. I sat on my bed and stared up at the ceiling trying to get grip on reality after a long and restless night. "It's finally happening. My redo in life begins today." I whispered to myself. I flipped over onto my side so I could grab my phone that was charging on the dresser beside my bed. There were a few notifications from Tiktok, an app in which I spend countless days wasting my life on, and a notification that the reality show Fruits Basket aired a new episode. After scrolling through my phone for countless minutes, I decided to get up and get ready for the day.

I walked down stairs and made my way to the fridge. I opened the freezer and grabbed two Cookie Cats. I sat myself down on the island and began to eat my scrumptious treat. "Wow! He really is a pet for your tummy." After basically inhaling my breakfast, I ran back up to my loft and threw on my U.A. uniform and put on a very thin amount of makeup. After doing a quick pose in the mirror, I ran back down the stairs and made my way over to the Temple Gate. I gave the giant door three knocks before saying "I'm going to school guys, I'll see you guys later." Garnet's door opened and I was engulfed in a tight hug.

"Have a good day cutie pie. Pearl and Amethyst had to check on the Geode to make sure the tape was still holding up."

"It's all good, I totally understand. Have a good day Garnet."

"You too (Y/n), and try to make some friends."

"Sure, I'll try." I walked out the door and yelled goodbye at lion who was chasing a bird on the beach.


On my way to school, I spotted other U.A. students walking in groups. They were all laughing and making jokes, they were all being friendly with each other. I stared at them with jealous eyes. I never really got the chance to make friends. I was hidden from the world for the first 13 years of my life, I mean the world knew I existed due to me being the child of the famous pro hero Rose Quartz. But after she gave up her form to have me, the Gems hid me away from everyone and gave the media very little information about me. I don't blame the Gems though.

When Japan first found out of their existence they wanted to contain them and do experiments on them. It took them years to prove that they were good, and when they finally managed to prove their allegiance to the human race, the citizens of Japan loved and adored them. The government however is still cautious of them, and they watch their every move. So when I was brought into the world, the government of course wanted to take me and do experiments on me that they could never do on the Gems. Fortunately though, after years of trying to protect me, a new government official came to power and saw the mistreatment that we were put through and saved us from it. And that's why I'm finally getting the chance to go to school.

However, due to the isolation I was put through since the day I was born, I guess you could say I've become a bit socially awkward. But at the age of 12 I did manage to snatch one friend. Her name was Connie Maheswaran. She was my best friend and I was hers. She wasn't like other kids, she was quirkless. But what she lacked in a quirk, she made up with her smarts. I haven't seen Connie since the incident, and it's probably the best it stays that way...

As I was lost in thought, I bumped into a firm body. I didn't fall, but the other person did. They landed with a thud and dropped many books. "Oh my goodness I am so sorry." I said as I dropped to the ground to make sure they were okay. It was a boy who was slightly my age. He had light brown hair that was a little messy and eyes that were the colors of emeralds. His face and the tip of his ears were coated in a thick red blush as he frantically did many motions with his hands which I would assume to be sign language. "Oh um I'm really sorry, I don't understand. But please, let me help you up." Before he had the chance to refuse, I grabbed his arm and lifted him up with ease. He stumbled a bit, not expecting to be lifted off the ground so easily. He did a quick bow and rushed over to pick up his books. I as well ran over to help. After picking up all the books, he pulled out his phone and began typing on it with great speed. After he was done, he handed me the phone. I saw that it was a message, which I could only assume was for me.

"Hello, my name is Oliver Meek. I appreciate your help and I apologize if I come off a bit weird. I can't speak so this is my best form of communication at the moment." I gave out a quiet 'oh' from what he told me.

"Well, it's very nice to meet you Oliver, You can call me (Y/n)." I said, I was proud of myself for not sounding shy. He gave me a small smile and went back to typing on his phone.

"I've never seen you before. Are you new?"

"Yup, today is my first day."

"Well, if you'd like you can walk with me to school and I can show you your class. Only if you want." I gave a big smile and nodded my head yes.

Before we started walking again, he stopped me by pulling gently on my sleeve. He once again showed me his phone, this time it said. "Would you like to be friends. I promise I'm nice!" with a smiling emoji at the end.

I don't know why but I almost cried on the spot. I don't think I've had a friend for ages, and now here's life throwing one right at me. I guess you could say I'm happy. Maybe this is the start of something entirely new. "Yes. I would be more than happy to be your friend Oliver."

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