It Drives Me Crazy

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~Maybe we're friends, maybe we're more, maybe it's just my imagination. But I see you stare just a little too long and it makes me start to wonder. So baby, call me crazy, but I think you feel it too~ Jordin Sparks.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Next to You' by Jordin Sparks.



I hate hospitals.

The scent of rubbing alcohol mixed with disinfectant makes my stomach churn. Not to mention the insipid food they serve here. I had to ask one of the nurses if she could sneak a pack of skittles in here, but she insists she prefers to keep her job. I cannot argue with that. But I swear if someone else comes in here with that yucky dried bread and cold porridge I will cut them with the drip needle in my hand.

I am not dead yet people, please respect my stomach!

I gaze out the window, the morning sun is hot and scorching, a beautiful day to be bed-ridden in a hospital; note the sarcasm. If I had not left my knife that day, I would have cut one of those muscular motherfuckers open, but maybe God did not want me to catch a case.

I itch the uncomfortable bandage around my head. The blue hospital pajama with baby dinosaurs randomly allocated on the fabric makes me scrunch my face up in annoyance. I look like I have cancer. It is just a minor rib and head injury, is all this necessary?

My mom thinks I almost died, and I get why she would think that. I have been unconscious for days but that was only because I was extremely tired; I kept up quite a fight with those men.

The door to the room slides open and I shut my eyes pleadingly. "Please! No more dried bread, please."


The voice of my best friend pulls my head in its direction and my heart swells with elation as Rainey rushes over, pulling me into one of the tightest hugs she has ever given me. I giggle, but instantly groan as my ribs painfully throb.

She pulls back apologetically, her brows knitting in worry. "I am sorry. I am so glad you are okay, Ry. I thought I lost you."

I spot the tears in her eyes and it makes me emotional, but I play it off like a stud, frowning. "You know I won't die anytime soon, Rain. God doesn't want me up there yet, he knows I'm hard work."

She chuckles at this. I can tell she has been beating herself up for what happened to me. This is not her fault but mine, for more reasons than one.

If I had just forced her to attend my family reunion that night or ditched the event to watch The Walking Dead with her, she would not have gone to that bar with Kendra and the girls. I know how complicated Rain's life is. She is often lonely even though she plays it off like she is not, and I neglected her that night, enjoying cocktails and roasted chicken while she almost got raped.

It is my fault.

"Have you been crying?" I frown and she sighs, smiling sadly. "I am fine, Rain. You know I won't be defeated that easily. You looking so sad is the only thing that'll hurt me."

She nods her head and I rub her shoulder comfortingly, my eyes drifting to two pairs of familiar ones.

"I am glad you're fine." Ansel smiles. "We were worried about you."

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