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A/N: The chapter you've all been waiting for... Also I'm a little shocked that some of y'all didn't see this coming considering the summary of the story is Cherry written from a girls perspective SMH.... Either way... Enjoy the pain(: Oh, and also... Happy Watermelon Sugar day hehe.

I get off of the plane with a sigh of relief. I hate flying alone, I've always hated it but I'm here now, and I'm in Europe and I'm so excited. I go to baggage claim, and get my bags, send Jeffrey a quick update text on where I am, and get in my cab, going straight for the venue. No matter where I go it's beautiful... I've never been to Ireland, but the sights are breathtaking.. They're incredible... I watch everything pass by me, and I feel my leg shaking with excitement. I need to be there now... I'm so ready right now.

    Once the man pulls up, and goes to the back entrance of the venue I hop out, and take my things with me. I get in the venue, and check my phone, trying to update Jeffrey but I see him.

    "Hey Cherry, how are you?" He asks softly, and I smile.

    "I'm tired, but I'm really happy I'm finally here with all of you." I smile widely, and start wheeling my suitcase.

    "Here, let me take that, and put it with his things.. You still want me to go in first so we can surprise him?" He asks, and I nod. This was all Jeff's idea, he came to me about it, and I was completely on board from the get go. He goes into a dressing room, and leaves the door cracked so I can listen.

    "Hey, are you ready for tonight?" Jeffrey asks.

    "Yeah.." Harry replies, not really giving him much.

    "What's wrong? Is something wrong?" Jeffrey asks, and it sounds like he sits down.

    "Cherry hasn't texted me all day I'm just worried about her is all.." He shrugs his shoulders.

    "Well she's probably really busy right now... I bet she's doing something important." I hear him clap Harry's back, and I smile to myself.

    "She's always doing something important but she always makes sure to text me... To at least tell me she'll be busy, just like I do with her... I don't know.. Something seems off... What if.. What if she's upset with me... Do you think she's tired of this? All the distance?" He asks softly..

    "Honestly yeah I do think she's tired of it..." He agrees, his tone sarcastic.

    "Thanks, makes me feel a lot better... She's too good for me okay? I've got to hold onto her, and this is going to be the reason she leaves.." He mumbles helplessly.

    "She's a lot closer than you'd think H.." Jeffrey speaks, and I walk through the door noticing Harry sitting on the couch in the middle of the room, looking at his phone. Jeffrey is in front of him standing up. He eyes me, and looks back to Harry.

    "As close as someone can be when they're halfway across the globe.. This.. This sucks." He shakes his head, and I lean against the counter.

    "Hi, I'm the songwriter... My name is Darlene, Darling for short, some call me Cherry.. I think I'm in the wrong place, could one of you point me in the direction of-" I try to finish my words, but I can't because Harry is off the couch, and picking me up before I can. He holds me tight, and I know he won't be letting go, not until the moment he has to get on the damn stage.

    "Hi bubs." I laugh.

    "Hi baby..." He breathes out, setting me back on the ground, but still keeping hold of me. "What the hell are you doing here? How... How did you, is that why you-"

Cherry- H.SKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat