Dancing Under Red Skies.

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A/N: I would like to clarify something!!!! In the last chapter when Harry whipped out all of Cherry's songs she had written... When you write songs, you register them, and sell them through websites. Harry went and looked up her discography because he has access to that kind of stuff... He did not steal her journal.


Also, enjoy this chapter... and turn it up, you've been waiting for this one.


    I walk down the stairs of my empty house, and find myself glancing at the piano. I stare for a long while, imagining her there, imagining all the good times we both had there in that spot. All the good times I had watching her, and being with her... All the good times I ruined. I walk forward to the piano, and sit down, glancing at the stack of papers on the edge of it, all her songs from last night. I drag my fingers over the keys, touching them softly, then plucking notes softly. Notes that match the lyrics, and the words.. Notes, and words that mean the world to me..

    "Make... You.... Feel.... My... Love." I plunk out, and blink away my own tears, shaking my head. I have no right to be this upset... She's the one person... The one person in my life who's ever meant this much to me. She's the only person in my life that has looked through every single thing just to search for my heart. She's the fresh faced girl in a vintage tshirt, the girl with the songs, and the lyrics, and the heart of gold, and a soul to match... I fucked over someone made of pure gold because I was afraid....

    I get up from the piano, and grab my keys, and get in the car. I know I look like a mess right now, I feel like a mess but I'm going to try again... I want to see how she is today in the studio, and then I'll decide if I should reach out, ask her to meet me... Her leaving last night hurt... I didn't want her to leave, I wanted to actually have the conversation we need to have, but it was all too much for her and that's obvious to me now... I pushed her too far. I pushed her when I left, when she was in love with me. I pushed her with Victoria... I pushed her when she came to London, and then I pushed her again every single day since the new year started.

    I get out of the car, and stare at my feet as I walk. I refuse to be a coward now. I will not sit there and keep all my thoughts and feelings inside because I know it's what got me here. If I had just told her, just said I loved her with every part of me, and that I know it could hurt us, but I couldn't keep it in anymore... Then she would have said the words back, and we would have worked things out... We would have worked long distance, but I let the fear side of it control me.... I walk through the doors, and then straight to the studio, and through those doors as well. I walk with my head down, hear silence in the studio which causes me to look up. I'm a bit late and I scan, seeing everyone here but one.

    "Something feel off to you?" Mitch walks up with his arms crossed over his chest. Where is she? She's never late to anything, never...  "If you're wondering where Cherry is none of us know. She's been MIA, and she won't answer me or Easton." He tells me, and I stare at the piano in front of me. "So my question to you is... What the hell did you do this time?" He turns to me, and I shake my head.

    "I didn't do anything.." I mumble, walking past him. Cherry isn't here so most everyone is packing up. We need her here, she's a key part in all of this, without her it doesn't mean anything.

    "I'm having a hard time believing that considering I watched you follow her out of the studio yesterday..." He follows me as I sit myself down.

    "We talked Mitch, that's all.. We just talked." I tell him. "Why are you so persistent on this?" I ask.

    "Because it's not about you... I'm not being a dick, I'm being your friend, and hers, and you weren't there when she was hurting... Over you, over the cat, over Dean... I was there because she's a good person, and I want you two to work out. I really do because I've never seen two people more perfect for each other.... But you can't hurt her anymore... You've got to open up to her..." He speaks to me in a kind tone, and I nod my head. I'm glad he's been there for her... I'm glad she had someone even if it wasn't me... I'm glad I have him too.

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