Moment of truth

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"Gentlemen, the time is here. You have made your king and your country proud. May God be with you and good luck."

This was it, the moment of truth. The others before me bundled out one by one, but no words were heard, the engines drowned them out.

I gave the boy one last look, for all I knew we may never see each other again. "Lad. I'll see you with boots on the ground. Godspeed."


The sense of stability was gone I was out in the open now. Falling through the air was like no feeling I had ever experienced, I was weightless. Nothing was holding me back, I was free like a bird. The cool air on my face drew tears from my eyes. My heart was beating fast, I wanted it to last. But before long my body jolted as the parachute opened in the air and slowed my free all.

I looked around for the boy but he was nowhere to be seen, until I heard a scream of terror from above get closer and closer. My mind began to race praying and hoping it wasn't him. Twisting vigorously I scanned every inch of the ground below, I couldn't hear or see him.

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