Chapter 8

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      Jordan's POV

        I arrive at a party and go to get some alcohol. When I go back I realize that Bailey is walking towards me. God she is so beautiful. I was planning on asking her out on monday. She comes over and we are laughing talking having a great time when Ryder comes over. He asks us if we have seen Marz and bailey says she's with Derek Drews. Ryder looks around and runs off somewhere.

       I ignore it. I go back to talking with Bailey when I get a text from Ryder saying to come to the room next to the stairs. That it is urgent and not to bring anyone. I tell bailey that I am going to use the restroom real quick.

     I walk in and see Marz tied up laying on the bed . I gasp. I look down to see Dereks bloody face. I look up at Ryder. He tells me that he needs to get her out of their. He tells me he needs a distraction. I walk out of the room and yell "Skinny Dipping!" Everyone runs outside to the pool. I hang out with Bailey by the pool. We didn't take our clothes off. We were just hanging out and talking.

        10 minutes pass and I get a text from Ryder saying that Marz is at his house, but to tell Bailey that he took her home because she wasn't feeling well. I told him that Bailey needed to know. He told me that Marz needed to tell her not us. I agreed, but I also feel that she has the right to know that her best friend almost got raped. I decided to keep my mouth shut about the matter and tell Bailey what Ryder told me to tell her. I took Bailey home and wished her a good night. Then I went home.

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