Chapter 17

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Marz's POV

The text read "Marz I know that you are alive. Come home your stepmother and I have something to tell you." I know that if I don't he will track me down and drag me home. I leave a note for Ryder saying that I am at Rickey's and that I will be back later. I hurry and text Rickey to cover for me and say that I am hanging out with him. I tell Rickey that I will explain later.

I get to my house and I mentally prepare myself. I turn off my ringer and I go inside. I see Traci and my dad sitting at the table. They tell me to sit down. I do and they tell me that I will be in an arranged marriage. They won't tell me who though.

I go to Rickey's to tell him what happened. I open the door and see that Rickey and Blake are making out on the couch. Everyone thought that Blake was straight and here he is making out with Rickey on the couch. Guess he is still in the closet. Blake realizes that I am here so he separates away from Rickey as fast as he could. "This is not what it looks like," Blake said panicking.

      "Don't worry I promise not to tell anyone. So you can calm down." I say calmingly. "Thanks, Marz," Blake says as he looks at me sincerely. I sit down on the couch and I look over to Rickey "Explain and then I will explain." I say.

"Okay, well like a week ago I was walking in the hallways struttin' my stuff, and all of a sudden I am pulled into a janitor's closet. The person who snatched me turned on the light and it was Blake. I said hey and then he started to explain to me how he was attracted to me. He said that he was still in the closet so I couldn't tell anyone but, he asked me if we wanted to go out. I said yes and we have been dating ever since. You have no clue how much I wanted to tell you but, I knew that I couldn't because I had promised Blake that I wouldn't."

"Okay, I get it now," I say. "Okay now, you explain," Rickey says. " You both have to promise me that you won't tell anyone." I look a blake while saying it because I know that Rickey won't say anything. He nods and Rickey pinky swears me.

       "I was just casually cuddling with Ryder when I got a text. It was my dad and he doesn't know about my relationship with Ryder. He told me to come home because he had something to tell me. He tells me that I am going to be in an arranged marriage weather I like it or not. I don't know who yet. He told me that I would find out the day before." I said and then I started crying while Rickey wrapped his arms around me. "That's awful sweetie," Rickey said.

     *Ding* I look down at my phone to see that Ryder texted me. "When are you gonna be home? I want snuggles!!!! ☹︎." I text him back saying "I'll be back in 5 minutes. Calm down."  I wipe away my tears and tell the boys that I have to go. I walk back home and I snuggle with Ryder the rest of the night.

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