joe toye

927 19 0

( joe toye, bastogne, angst )


You didn't know what to do as the snow fell around you, getting caught in your dirty hair as your helmet dangled from your hand. It was as if the snow had frozen you in place, cold spreading through your body.

Whilst you were aware of the movement around you, you couldn't move. Your eyes glued to the red bleeding into the snow, creating a pattern that your eyes couldn't help but trace.

Though you could feel yourself swaying, you didn't do anything to keep still. Maybe if you kept swaying and passed out it would all go away. You would wake up and be in a fox hole, tucked up in the side of Joe. Blanket wrapped round you with his spare socks on your hands.

He hadn't cared about his own warmth when you were with him, you were the most important thing to him. As some bustled past you, knocking your shoulder, you were thrown back into reality. Sounds got louder, groans of pain greeting your ears.

Finally you looked up from the swirls scattered in the snow, eyes meeting the pained ones of Joe Toye. You still couldn't move but he knew that, he gave you a small nod before a groan of pain exited his lips once more.

You couldn't help the tears as Lipton pulled you into him, watching as Joe was taken away on a stretcher. It was as if fire had burned you, pulling away from Lipton in a hurry. Without a thought you rushed to where Joe was being taken away, grabbing his hand and stopping the medics for a moment.

"i love you, I'll find you." He didn't get a chance to reply as he was carried away once more. Hand slipping from his own, now covered in blood. You didn't care, you couldn't in that moment.

You had to believe he would be okay.


( word count; 313 )

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