five - ralph spina

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( ralph spina, bastogne, angst )

BASTOGNE WAS A PLACE THAT Y/N didn't like, nor did any of the other soldiers in easy company. At some points the scenery was beautiful, the show collecting on the leaves and the trees swaying in the wind.

Soon enough a bombing would ruin that, the snow flying instead of falling and the trees splintering instead of swaying.

As the third medic of easy company, Y/N was always listening out for the call of a medic. She understood that it was her job but it didn't stop her from feeling terrified every time that she ran toward a shaking voice.

With the sky lighting up because of the Germans attacking easy, Y/N sprinted as quickly as she could whilst crouched down. The call had come from a voice she recognised, but that wasn't exactly a strange occurrence in a group of people he had come to see as family.

Sliding into the foxhole that contained two soldiers, Y/N quickly assessed the damage. Her hands froze as she realised which soldier was hurt - her childhood friend.

"Hey Angel." The man wore a smirk but Y/N could see the pain dancing in his eyes. She swallowed the bile that began to rise, smiling as best as she could with her hands moving again.

It looked like something had exploded near her friend, the snow no longer white as she began to help him. As she did so, Eugene Roe slid down beside her, helping her shaking hands to stop.

A noise of pain came from above her but Y/N could only look at the blood covering her hands and clothes. Doc Roe took over, the shelling stopped and all deathly quiet.

Finally looking up, Y/N realised that a few members of easy had gathered round, looking sadly into the fox hole. A small frown, Y/N looked at her friend, his skin having lost a lot of colour and his eyes open.

They were dead eyes, however. No more life in them, just a single tear continuing to roll down his cheek. Y/N felt some haul her out of the fox hole, spin her around and pull her away from the scene.

She felt numb as she blindly followed until she was pulled into a fox hole. She only snapped out of her trance when someone snapped their fingers in front of her face. Y/N blinked a few times, Ralph Spina's face now visible.

"Y/N, you need to breathe." It was only then that she realised her breath had been held, letting it out felt a lot better. "Now, remember what I told ya to do?"

Y/N remembered. Back in America, Y/N would get panic attacks and Ralph was the one who would bring he rout of them. She nodded, beginning to breathe and sing.

As she began quietly, she was surprised when Spina joined in with her, allowing her head to react on his shoulder. Ralph couldn't sing, there was no doubt about it, but it was soothing.

Whether it was a familiar voice or feeling Y/N didn't know, all she knew was that Ralph Spina had her and she didn't want him to let go.

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