Bonus Chapter

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Sometime Later...

Back in the Spooky Island resort, as all the students chilled and relax in the bar area, the green vortex reopens as two familiar girls emerge. One was the super party planner, Pinkie Pie, and the other is the cyan blue Pegasus wonderbolt, Rainbow Dash. With the other ponies still back in Equestria, the two decided to pay one last visit to see how everything was going. But they were not alone as a little purple dragon came along.

"So, this is the world you girls came from?" Spike admired, looking around. "This is pretty cool!"

"Breathe it in little buddy," Rainbow said. "Now with all the monsters and cults out the window, these kids can really have themselves a party!"

"Ooh, you had me at 'party', Dashie!" Pinkie said, excitedly.

One of the costumed members of Spooky Island, now fully reformed after the demon shenanigans, passed by with a tray of Hard Cider. Rainbow Dash eyed it widely then reached in and grabbed a mug. Before the guy could say anything, Dash casually lays in some extra bits on the tray.

"Keep the drinks coming pal," Rainbow Dash said, taking a sip. "And put it all on my tab."

The costumed person looked at all the shiny gold coins on the tray, then looked back at the Pegasus pony.

"Yes, ma'am!" He said in a deep voice, excited.

As the costumed man walked back into the kitchen and Rainbow Dash drank from her mug, a familiar voice called out to them.

"Rainbow Dash! Pinkie Pie! Over here!"

The girls turn to the side and saw Shaggy Rogers, along with Scooby Doo and Scrappy, sitting at one of the tables. A pile of food including some sandwiches and a few slices of pizza among things filled the whole counter. Shaggy was trying to open a jar of peppers when he noticed the girls appear.

"Like, come on over here!" Shaggy called out.

The girls excitedly motioned their way toward the table, giving some hoof bumps toward their old friends.

"What's up, Shagster!" Rainbow said, putting her mug away.

"Gee girls, back so soon?" Scrappy asked.

"Reah! Rere are the rothers?" Scooby asked.

"Well, Twilight is having some family bonding time with her family and Flurry," Pinkie rambled. "She by the way said her first words, mostly about a certain somebody. The others needed a breather after these exciting few days, but we thought we'd stop by and pay a quick visit!"

"Like, who's your little friend?" Shaggy asked.

"This is Spike, our little dragon friend," Pinkie introduced. "We felt bad that he couldn't join our initial trip with us, so we decided to bring him along. Fortunately, Twilight said it was okay."

"Pleased to meet you guys," Spike said, extending a claw.

Spike shook with Shaggy, gave a high five to Scooby Doo, and even shook hands with Scrappy Doo.

"You must be Scooby's nephew, Scrappy."

"And you must be Twilight's number one assistant," Scrappy said. "I've heard good things about you; your friends have said you're pretty cool!"

"They did?!" Spike said, with a smug. "Well, well, well..."

"So, it seems like you guys are enjoying your little reward?" Rainbow noticed.

"How groovy is this, man?" Shaggy asked, opening the jar. "Spooky Island finally came through with its all-you-can-eat deal!"

"Boy, you're telling me," Scrappy replied, slurping a sandwich. "After months in a cage eating nothing but wet dog food, I 'really' needed some good chow."

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