15: the hospital ward, and what happened inside

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electrifying | kimetsu no yaiba

chapter fifteen
the hospital ward, and what happens inside

"Kazue-chan, your heart rate is racing steadily," murmured Tanjiro.

"How do you know?" she asked.

"Um because I'm on your back?" he answered with a blank expression.

Tanjiro wasn't wrong. Indeed was her heart racing steadily.. now that the more she went deep into the Butterfly Estate, following sweet Kanao, the more she heard a familiar voice screaming at the top of his lungs.

Subconsciously, that made her exert a little too much effort on herself to move forward, keeping in mind that she's carrying Tanjiro from behind.

There was something in (y/n) that made her want to hear his voice again.. to see him again; although thinking about this just tired herself out, losing the pace of her breathing.

"Are you okay, Kazue-chan?" Tanjiro kindly asked again with worry, "You need to loosen yourself for a bit. I think I can walk from here."

"Don't worry about me," denied (y/n), "It's just a few steps ahead."

(y/n) noticed Kanao standing still beside a door, signaling her that they had finally made it to the infirmary. (y/n) bowed to Kanao as thanks for escorting them through the manor.

Then, Kanao made a sign language that went along the lines of,
"I'm sorry, but I have to run errands before my other sister arrives."

(y/n) nodded in understanding. Before walking past them, Kanao accidentally took another glance at the boy wearing hanafuda earrings, and (y/n) noticed how much pink rushed through the silent girl's face. Her small lips scrunched a bit to restrain herself from smiling.

Trying to cover herself from embarrassment, Kanao suddenly rushed across the hallway and locked herself in another room nearby the infirmary. (y/n) chuckled lightly while Tanjiro remained confused.

"You know," (y/n) secretly snuck a smile, "I think she likes you."

"So she's not angry at me?" he questioned, being the oblivious one.

"Not a bit," she answered while sliding the clinic door wide open.

They were greeted by a loud yell that echoed in and out of the infirmary. There sat the one and only Zenitsu on his bed, whining like the same way a child would complain over his dropped ice cream. His blouse was quite oversized, and for (y/n), it seemed cute to look at the way Zenitsu flapped his meek arms.

There was a girl with deep-blue eyes, frowning at the blonde boy. (y/n) slightly remembered her as one of the assistants of Shinobu: Aoi Kanzaki. Her straight, black hair was tied into twintails with two butterfly hairpieces, which (y/n) assumed was given by Shinobu herself.

Hands on her waist, Aoi seemed like she was ready to knock Zenitsu down with a good punch. It turns out that the reason why Aoi was in such a bad mood was because the screeching blonde boy wouldn't take the medicine she's giving him.

"YOU KNOW YOU HAVE TO TAKE YOUR MEDICINE, RIGHT?!" exclaimed Aoi, scolding Zenitsu.

"IT SMELLS RAW!!" he complained.


Through the tough arguments, (y/n) managed to lead Tanjiro to a bed right next to Zenitsu's without the two noticing her. As soon as the burgundy boy sat on the mattress, he plopped the wooden box to the side of his bed, keeping good watch on it.

electrifying | zenitsu x reader | kimetsu no yaibaWhere stories live. Discover now