so how would you guys feel if...

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im gonna use short hand so sorry if it annoys u guys but im tired lol

idk if u guys knew this (if u dont know me u probably dont) but im a Christian girl, and while i have grown up in the Word and knowing God i have only recently gotten the chance to have a relationship with him and really know him and really know the bible- and this happened due to someone special coming into my life. (he isnt the point of this... see terms below for a chapter on my bf😝)

so anyway im a Christian and i wanted to start like a bible study kinda and i was thinking i would start two new stories- one like the left behind- which if u havent read its amazing read it its about the end of human days- and doing one like a bible study.

i think this would b a really neat idea and if any of u r interested please comment or direct message me about it, cuz i really want to do this before my first mission trip to india next spring. boys and girls all ages but preferably teens welcome. if you are not christian (ether another religion or not religious) but want to join in you are also welcome to join, but if any fights/ hate occur u will b reported and blocked. i wanna keep things positive👍

the thing about doing this is i dont want to insault any of my readers that aren't christians. so please please... if u Rnt Christian and u have a problem with this DIRECT MESSAGE ME!!! i dont want to insault anyone and im not pushing my religion on u, i just want kids who r religious to b able to talk, study, and learn together.

so yeah thats my plans over winter break to get started. i am also starting a new fiction story around christmas and i dont have a plot yet so dont ask me😝😝

so about my bf.... if this chapter gets 5 votes and 5 comments i will post a chapter about him, if the comments r questions about him i will answer them😄. lasts until jan 1 2015

sorry for the update spam but im writery now that i have time to think so read and enjoy!

i love you guys thanks for understanding,

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