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IM BACK GUYS! the first day of school was awesome... made a few new friends and started high school scheduling!

now that life has an order, i have time (and energy) to post and to get better in my writing. i will be back to updating daily, and updating here on what stories are being updated when.

now, first order of business- #tt. the title has been changed back but that's not the point. i read it for the first time- chapter 1 through what i posted about 3 seconds ago- and reliazed how much it has gone down hill. when i started it was really good and now its lacking in storyline and story structure. now that i know this, i plan to bring the story back up to the level it was and higher- and then fix the chapters i did poorly on. please bear with me while i do so.

second important post- religion story. anyone interested? let me know its always open.

finally.... NEW STORY!! okay guys i know i have a lot of stories but this one is just kinda gonna be for fun and wild... its content is going to be pretty childish so if thats not what you want look in one of my other like 7 stories! as you guys know, I just got 2 kittens. last night we were getting ready for bed (the kittens have the same sleep schedule as me and go to bed when i do and typically have a bed time routine), and part of getting ready for bed is telling the kittens a story. it's usually just me telling them the gossip or about the day or about how im pissed at so and so or in love with such and such. (no im not crazy.. if you have a pet and you DONT talk to them you need to seek medical help... forreal guys i talk to my pets all yall better too its my life deal wit it✌️) but last night it was the story you would tell a child about why they were given up for adoption- last night i told the kittens there life story, fairytale style. it was cute and they fell asleep and i said they lived happily ever after and it was a touching moment blah blah blah... but then it hit me.


Like i said its going to be a fairytale about prince Dabs of kittenville and princess Nala of catown... its going to be childish. but i have high hopes for it so please give it a read, a vote, a comment, and im going to see how it goes and if it seems to go good i will keep it if not i will drop it. I just have never written a fairytale and think this would be a cute way to start.

i also have 2-3 other story plots in my mind being worked out and those titles/ details will be released this week or next depending on how well i get my shit together from all the going back to school drama.

thanks readers, love you all!

like, comment, vote, read, share, enjoy😍,

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