Chapter 52

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Harry and Ron were thrown in the dungeon by Wormtail. Harry flinched when he heard Hermione scream and Ron paled. He ran to the door and started pulling on it.

"We have to do something!" Ron yelled. "That witch is mad. Who knows what she'll do! "

"Ron? Harry? Is that you? "

Harry turned to see Luna, Ollivander, and a goblin walk out of the shadows.

"Hey, I'm glad to see you all are okay."

"I wouldn't say okay -" The goblin muttered but Ron cut him off.

"Is there any way out of here? Apparation? "

"Magic doesn't work down here," Ollivander explained.

"Wait, I think I have an idea." Harry knelt down and pulled out the fragment of a mirror that he kept in his sock.

"What a peculiar thing to keep in a sock," Luna replied.

Harry held it up, looking into Dumbledore's eye starring back, he said, "help us."

He nodded and disappeared.

"Now what?" Ron asked, flinching as Hermione screamed again. "We're got to help her!"

"We just got to be patient—"

Just then Dobby appeared. "Harry Potter!"

Harry grinned. "Dobby! You can apparate in here? "

"Of course, sir. Dobby is a house elf. "

"Brilliant. Can you take those three first? " Harry asked.

"Whenever you're ready, sir," Luna said, taking ahold of his hand.

"Sir?" Dobby smiled. "I like this one." Then he looked at Harry. "Meet Dobby at the top of the stairs in a few seconds."

Harry nodded and they disappeared. Ron and Harry ran over to the door and stood on both sides of it as Wormtail walked down. He opened the door and then was hit in the back with a spell. He fell forward and Ron picked up his wand. They stepped over his body and rushed up the top of the stairs to meet Dobby.

"We've got to split up," Harry said. "You get Hermione and I'll find Draco."

Harry turned to leave when Ron grabbed his arm. "We don't have time. They're hurting Hermione now. I need your help getting to her. "

Harry turned to Dobby. "Could you find Draco for me?"

"Dobby knows where he will be."

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