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Haya felt herself being shaken awake, she lazily opened her eyes and met with the familiar pair of charcoal eyes staring back at her with an annoyed face.

"We're here. Get up now." She rubbed her eyes violently whilst suppressing a yawn.

"How much longer have I slept?" Abrar gave her a blank stare as he got down from the car, Haya too gets down and her eyes immediately examined her surroundings. Everything was typical like how a village was supposed to be. And she couldn't wait to go and have a close look at what all they have here.

Long gone were her sleep, now all she wanted to do was to have a look at everything in there and shop whatever she wanted to shop.

"And wear your dupatta properly. How many times do I have to tell you?" Abrar took her slide pin and pinned her dupatta tightly to her hair. Haya had her mouth in agape. How did he do that so perfectly? She had no idea.

"Now stop wasting my time and buy whatever you want." he couldn't stare at her hazel eyes for any longer. It was the most beautiful eyes he has ever seen and that freaked him a little bit. Abrar had no idea that she was this beautiful. He never paid any attention to her. Now that he has noticed, he wanted to keep staring at her beautiful eyes again and again. What a creep! He scolded himself mentally.

"Where can I get my dupatta and hijab?" Haya wondered in confusion.

"Come with me." Abrar led the way, sighing inwardly and Haya followed him behind with a smiling face.

"Assalamualaikum, Chote nawab. Come inside. What a pleasure it is to have you here." the shopkeeper bowed his head in respect as soon as Abrar stepped inside his store. Haya was so not expecting this.

"My begam Sahiba wants to buy dupatta and hijab. Show us the best of all." Abrar ordered him authoritatively. Haya couldn't believe her ears. Can a person be any more rude and annoying?

"Of course. Of course. We have the best fabrics in this whole village. I'm sure begam Sahiba will be pleased." the shopkeeper then went inside to bring the pile of different colour hijabs and dupatta. Haya still couldn't fathom all of these things. The kind of respect these people show for her husband is bemusing her.

"Abrar. He said salaam to you. Don't you think it's rude of you to not reply to him?" Haya whisper yelled at him angrily.

"Stop telling me what to do." Abrar declared as he took out the cigarette box from his pocket.

"You're unbelievable. If you get to tell me to do this or do that. Then I get to tell you whatever I want to. After all, I'm your begam Sahiba." Haya smirked at his pissed expression as he puffed the smoke.

The Shah clan used to be the Nawab of this village once upon a time and people still call them nawab Saab out of respect. Abrar's father was called nawab saab while he's addressed as chote nawab. Haya found this very strange but it was cool. It was even more cool when she gets to use the begham sahiba card on her husband every now and then.

An unfamiliar girl appeared out of nowhere. She smiled at Haya and her eyes lingered a little longer on Abrar, who paid zero attention to her.

The shopkeeper came back with the dupatta collections and Haya's attention automatically shifted to the materials and fabric. They were actually good; it was not what she expected it to be.

"These are brilliant. The best kind of cotton fabric I have seen in a long time. I want to buy this in every colour." Haya announced happily as she picked one dupatta.

"Thank you for buying this, begam Sahiba. We are pleased to have you here." the owner muttered happily as he signed his daughter to pack the stuff. The girl immediately obliged her father.

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