twenty two

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Abrar was so dead today.

Haya glared at her phone as she walked upstairs, after taking one last glance at the entrance. Her husband has promised to take her out for a long drive but there was a problem at his election party's office and he had to stay back. Which is why she's so pissed right now.

It's been a few weeks since their first kiss. It was slightly awkward in the first two days but they brushed it off eventually, they were married and it was okay to be attracted to your spouse or to kiss them. 

The family apologized to Haya for leaving her alone in the function, except for Bano of course. She was rather happy that Abrar was hurt in the process. Nothing makes her happier than seeing Abrar hurt and sad.

Meruza though was very sorry and had to apologize for almost three days straight to get Haya to smile at her. Turns out she was with Iflan the whole time.

But things moved on pretty quick. And that incident was long forgotten. Life has been going on just fine with little fights every now and then. But Haya was beginning to fall in love with Abrar, slowly.

Looking at her reflection in the long mirror in their room, made Haya angrier. She has taken lots of efforts to get ready for him. But Mr Shah like always couldn't make it at the last moment.

A loud horn from outside brought her out of trance, she knew this sound! It was his car's horn. With a mischievous grin, she jumped onto the bed and completely covers herself with the duvet and waited for him to get upstairs. Time clicked fast and Abrar was in the room before she could even pretend to be asleep, but she shuts her eyes anyways and wondered what he'd do next.

"Haya... You're asleep already? What about my dinner?" Abrar smirked as he stood beside the bed but she didn't even move to make it more interesting. From inside Haya was fuming with anger, all he cares about was his dinner? What a sick man. She cursed in her mind as she continued to pretend to be asleep inside the duvet.

"I thought I'll give this diary milk to you. It's okay. I'll eat it myself then." Abrar tried hard not to laugh as she moved under the duvet deciding whether or not to grab that chocolate from him. She was extremely cute sometimes.

"Oops, it slipped from my hands." he feigned innocence whilst dropping the chocolate just beside her, which she grabbed almost instantly with just her hands, which came out and went back in as soon as she got the chocolate. He bursts out laughing at her antics.

"You're crazy." he dropped yet another chocolate, which was also grabbed by her. He was wheezing at this point.

"I'm sorry, Haya. The election is so near and it is very important to me, you know right." Abrar sighed as he dropped another chocolate which was also grabbed by her. She refused to show him her face, by this time she had a box of chocolates under that duvet but she was still mad.

"We can go for the drive right now if you want." he trailed of sceptically which almost got her as she threw the duvet away from her face instantly and smiled excitedly at him, "REALLY?"

"Well, if you're so excited. Then sure. We can go." Why didn't he try this earlier? Haya threw herself at him in happiness as she hugged him tightly, who hugged her back with a grin.

"Thank you for the chocolates, you're the best." a wide smile adorned her face as she broke the hug and stared at him, who was staring back at her hazel eyes which twinkled in happiness.

"Anything for seeing this beautiful smile." he smiled flirtatiously making her blush hard.

"And you look extra beautiful tonight." Haya flushed red as he gave her a mischievous wink whilst checking her out shamelessly. Lately, Abrar has been openly flirting with her. He no longer shies away from complimenting her or saying anything to her like he used to be at the start of their marriage. And Haya was loving the new changes in him.

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