Hypnosis Older sister!Shinobu XYounger Sister Demon!Reader

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(Night time)

(Reader P.O.V)

I walked through the halls of the Butterfly Estate, not being able to sleep. I glanced inside of my older sister's lab, and saw her working on a mixture, focusing carefully. I didn't mean to, but suddenly, my blood demon art activated, and hypnotized Shinobu.

I watched as she stood up from her chair and began to flap her arms in front of her, and I realised she though she was a butterfly. As she was doing this, she accidentally knocked over her mixture, which made me gasp and break the hypnosis.

She looked around in confusion, then her eyes settled on the spilt mixture, leaking onto the floor.

Then her eyes rested on me, standing in the door way with fearful eyes. I couldn't help it, and tears streamed down my face.

"I'm s-sorry big sis! I didn't mean t-to. I just can't help it!", I cried, hiding my face in my hands, and looking down.

I heard footsteps getting closer to me, and I stiffened, then suddenly relaxed when I felt arms wrap around me.

"Dont worry, (Y/N). I'm not angry with you. I know you don't have very good control over your ability, so I'm not upset. We just have to work on that, ok?", she said, pulling away and holding my hands in hers while looking at me.

I nodded, and wiped my eyes, before yawning. She smiled and picked me up, carrying me to my room. When we got there she lied me down on my bed and tucked me in, before kissing my forehead and leaving the room. I soon fell asleep.

(The next night)

I was getting ready for bed, when I saw Shinobu and Kanao training, using their swords. I stood at the doorway,watching, when suddenly, Shinobu dropped her sword and balanced on one leg, before tucking her arms in at her sides, acting like a flamingo.

I gasped, while Kanao looked confused, before finally noticing me, and a look of understanding passed her face.

I released the hypnosis, and began to apologize profusely, bowing my head. Shinobu simply patted my head and comforted me.

(A year later)

I wandered around outside the Butterfly Estate, and stared at my reflection in the pond, disappointed in myself.

'I still can't control my demon art. Why does Shinobu continue to comfort me? Why doesn't she get upset with me, yell at me?', I asked myself in my head.

I felt a presence behind me and turned my head to see Shinobu standing there.

She smiled and sat next to me, wrapping her arm around my shoulders, hugging me close to her.

"I know your frustrated. I know your upset with yourself. But you need to know, that no matter how many times you lose control, or mess up, I will always be there to help you. Ok? Don't ever think that I will yell at you or lose patience with you, or stop loving you, because of the way you are. I love you just the way you are. You will always be my little sister, demon or not. Ok?", she told me, still hugging me.

Tears welled up in my eyes, as I hugged her back, nodding.

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