Adoptive!Guardian!Douma x Little sister!Reader x Brother!Inosuke

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1st Person P.O.V

I stumbled through the thicket of trees, my vision blurry from my eye wound. I could hear the Demon Slayers running after me, and I could have sworn the beating of my heart was louder than their footsteps, which pounded on the ground behind me. I was asleep in a cave, and had been woken up to voices outside.

I smelled that they were humans, and not just that, I could smell death, the stench clung to their clothes like a thick fog. My eyes widened when I realized whose deaths they carried on their backs.


I ran out, using my Blood Demon Art to confuse them, and I ran to the forest, already hearing the Slayers behind me. Which brings us to now. I reached the clearing of a field, and I hurriedly ran down the hill, only to trip over myself, and roll down the hill, the small stones and weeds scratching my body and face.

I came to a stop, and stood up quickly to run, only for a hand to grab my wrist.

I spun around and saw a demon with pale golden hair and rainbow eyes holding my wrist.

He had a smile on his face, displaying his sharp fangs. My eyes were wide, and I was shaking.

I could practically feel the power emanating off of him.

'So this is how I die? Killed by either Demon Slayer or a stronger demon.', I thought to myself, tears gathering in my eyes.

I was quickly shocked, however, when the demon put me behind him, and faced the Slayers, wielding two fans. Then, he dashed at them with unimaginable speeds, and almost as if they had never been standing, they had blood gushing from their throats, and were lying lifeless on the ground. I turned to the demon in fear, but he simply smiled, and beckoned me to follow him, and I did, because I was too scared not to.

We walked through the woods in silence, until it was broken by his questions.

"I didn't ask you this before, but, are you alright, my dear?",he asked, glancing down at me.

I was shaking as I nodded, and was starting to sweat nervously, which he took notice of.

"My dear, it's alright. You're safe now, I'm not going to hurt you.", he said in a reassuring tone.

I nodded, and we continued in silence, until we came across a large building, which was seemingly quiet, until I heard a biwa from inside, and in the next moment, we were in an odd room, where other demons were gathered.

Similar to the rainbow eyes demon, these one radiated the same amount of power, but there was one who's power I couldn't believe, and actually made me visibly tremble.

I glanced over in fear, and saw a woman wearing a black kimono with her hair held back in a bun.

"Who is this Douma? Why have you brought such a weakling here, hmm?", I was shocked to hear that the woman had a deep voice, and concluded that it shapeshifted.

"Oh, Master Muzan, I simply took pity on the poor thing. I will of course be in charge of looking after her, and I will ensure that she earns her keep!", Douma said, smiling with his eyes closed as he fanned himself.

The demon Muzan scoffed, before turning around and walking away. Douma turned to me and smiled.

"Now then. Let's go see where you may stay. Hmm, most likely with me. That's alright though, because as of right now, we are siblings. In other words, family.", he said, smiling, but I saw a little pain in his eyes.

I grasped his hand and smiled gently up at him,my (e/c) eyes meeting his multicolored ones.

(Third Person P.O.V)

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