Chapter 4

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Full disclosure: I just used a sharp knife to carefully cut a few pages out of this journal. Please allow me to apologise for not being able to share every aspect of my recent experiences. After reviewing the detailed account of my post-hunt activities, the Queen forbade me from including 'the kind of tawdry smut peddled by common pornographers'. It was not my intention to withhold, but the Queen's word is law.

Suffice it to say that Prince Gnarl was pleased by my ability to 'stand in for Lynne', though precious little standing was involved.

When we woke in the morning, still under guard, not much had changed. Patrols recovered the bodies from the woods, but found no trace of a broader organization or conspiracy. I was starting to feel the bone-deep pain in my jaw. The Prince insisted that he be allowed to take me to the court doctor. Our escort brought us to the Northwest tower to visit Doc Madelyn. She approved of the stitches, applied an aloe and cannabis tincture to the wound itself, and then gave me a mild dose of laudanum to ease the pain. Although not quite as effective as the Prince's brew, I was feeling very little pain by the time I got back to my quarters.

The werewolf's assessment was frank, "What a pit."

Inwardly, I bristled. The creature had proven himself to be little more than an animal last night, which meant that he was hardly qualified to critique my decor. Besides, I preferred to think of my chambers as austere. I had my writing desk, a dresser for my clothes, a chest for my sword and other personal items. I had a nice big bed. What more did I really need?

After the Queen stopped in to check on me and make Her creative edits, She dragged Prince Gnarl into the hallway for what was supposed to be a private conversation. Their escalating volume negated some of that privacy. I could tell that I was one of the topics of conversation, and continued to be even when the werewolf stomped back into my chambers.

He growled, "God's sake Lynne, he's fine."

She followed the lupine inside, and closed my door behind Her. "Just be more careful if there's a next time, Teddy. He needs to be able to walk without limping afterwards."

I looked up from my writing and asked, "Teddy? Am I allowed to privately call you that, Your Royal Highness?"

The wolf said 'no', but at the same time my Queen said 'yes'. There could be no doubt as to who I was going to listen to.

The werewolf snarled a bit. "Besides, I'm not the one who tried to kill him. That was a bunch of crazy humans."

Lynne took in a deep breath, then exhaled it with a sigh. She said, "You have a point. But that's just as much a mystery to me as it is to you. We don't have any separatist factions anywhere near the castle. There are certain religious groups who hate Witnesses... no offense, Andy my love."

"None taken, my Queen."

"...but those groups don't hire assassins, generally speaking. Similar groups hate the idea of an alliance with your people, but again, we've never seen them hire outside of their own ilk."

I scribbled away dutifully. Then I paused to ask, "Are these state secrets? Should I be careful about what I record?"

The other two traded glances.

Teddy rumbled, "My people can keep their muzzles shut if I tell them to. But it's your state."

Lynne started pacing. Her simple autumnal dress fluttered and swayed as she moved, in a vivid display of orange and red. Her final verdict was, "No. In fact, I think we need the people to help us. We should spread word of these events far and wide, and offer a reward for information."

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